MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Specktra Bestie
I noticed that when it comes to packaging you can't please everyone. There are those who prefer regular packaging while others find it boring. MAC does a lot of regular packaging and "special" glossy (yet plain) black packaging. I'm a little OC, but I think it's nice to do something different and creative once in a while (Alluring Aquatic, Wash and Dry, etc.). It makes it all the more fun.



Well-known member
You guys really don't like the packaging?   Is it the color? The Finish?  
For me, I'm just not crazy about it. I don't think it's ugly...just not my cup of tea.
I noticed that when it comes to packaging you can't please everyone.  There are those who prefer regular packaging while others find it boring.  MAC does a lot of regular packaging and "special" glossy (yet plain) black packaging.  I'm a little OC, but I think it's nice to do something different and creative once in a while (Alluring Aquatic, Wash and Dry, etc.).  It makes it all the more fun.
100% agree! I loved AA's packaging!


Well-known member
You guys really don't like the packaging? Is it the color? The Finish?
I actually really like the colors... they're very summery. I guess it's just the finish I'm not a big fan of. I suppose I'm just used to the packaging being one single color. Still, that's not going to stop me from buying if there's awesome products. The highlighter looks really nice, so that's one thing I'm (probably... definitely?) getting.


Well-known member
I noticed that when it comes to packaging you can't please everyone.  There are those who prefer regular packaging while others find it boring.  MAC does a lot of regular packaging and "special" glossy (yet plain) black packaging.  I'm a little OC, but I think it's nice to do something different and creative once in a while (Alluring Aquatic, Wash and Dry, etc.).  It makes it all the more fun.
i agree with u 100 percent I don't hate it I'm just not in love


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by NaomiH

I wish it was just in the black packaging. I don't like that my mac lippies don't match. I de-pot my blushes,but it stinks to pay extra for packaging that you're just going to ditch anyway.

I feel that way when the blushes and eye shadows are not!
Yes! Why can't they all be round? Lol


Well-known member
You guys really don't like the packaging?   Is it the color? The Finish?  
I think it looks nice and they did a good job with it,it just isn't my style so I'm finding myself unexcited about it. I like the real simple special packaging like the Temp Rising or RiRi VG lippies,I'm just not all nuts about tropical gradients on my compacts.


Well-known member
When I saw the packaging for this collection, I told myself to save up big for this collection and will be buying a lot!!


Well-known member
I see TrenDMooD is now on Twitter, as someone retweeted her. She has pictures of Wash and Dry and the Cinderella collection up on there.


Well-known member
Pleaaaaase let there be a nice pro longwear bronzer in this collection. People rave about the formula, why not release those instead of lame-o perm bronzers?