I spoke to big guns at Neiman's today about the shipping back charge. They told me it was and still is free ship back, provided it is return within 15 days of delivery. After 15 days, you may still return it for a full refund to an actual store. Also, if you go past the 15 days and don't live near a Neiman's if you go to the USPS and use the "if it fits it ships" box, the smallest box I think is 4.95, with tracking and insurance and usually gets back to Neiman's within 3 days or so. When you use the "smart label" regardless of the store, Nordie's, Neiman's whatever, it takes 7-10 days to get back to where it came from. So, if you miss the 15 day deadline, it is actually cheaper to use the if it fits it ships box then pay 7.50. Usually makeup will fit in this size box.