MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I was literally sliding into bed setting my alarm!


Well-known member
I stalked off and on all night since midnight. Sooooo happy I was able to get all of the items I wanted. I hope everyone else gets what they wanted too. Time to make my way to work, hopefully "black ice" free. Have a great day ladies
. Hit reply to fast. Have a great day ladies and gents!


Well-known member
Lol, so one of the eye glosses is sold out too...I'm assuming they just made less stock of the less desirable items because NO ONE reviewed them favorably...


Active member
Got Royal Ball, Free as a butterfly and just happened to get coup d'chic as well! it sold out after I checked out and went back to see the page (not even a minute later)

I was just about to fall asleep to and check back at 6am but luckily I checked my phone and it refreshed!


Well-known member
That was painless. Haha! I got Stroke of midnight palette, happily ever after lipglass and coupe d'chic since I kept going back and forth on it! Didn't get royal ball because Im pretty sure it'll look an ashy mess on me and I think happily ever after layered on VG5 will give me the look i want. Happy happy!


Well-known member
Good morning ! I was only planning on getting the beauty powder, but when I saw one of the lipsticks sold out, I grabbed RB cause i KNOW i will regret it if i dont !


Well-known member
So pissed!!! I was waking up on the dot and I ordered right away when I went live and ordered two free as a butterfly, one for me and one for my 17th year old's birthday next month and I checked out. It doesn't show on my orders and it is not on my order confirmation. Just the powders wtf mac uhgggggg


Well-known member
:pompom: :yaay:   :queen: I got 2 Royal Ball Mystery Princess BP Free as a Butterfly - by ACCIDENT :lol: doh Glass Slipper gloss. I was seriously nodding off when it launched lol.
Hi Elegant! :bouquet: Glad you got everything you wanted! Now the waiting game with Bao.....


Well-known member
YESSS. I got Coupe'D Chic & Royal Ball! I dozed off to take a quick nap, and decided to check with one eye opened lol.


Well-known member
No idea, it was pushed back
Well that's a bummer!

OMGosh, you should have seen me trying to order
I went to get 2 of the RB ls & on the second one I guess I forgot to select RB again. LOL It felt as bad as drunk shopping

I'm glad I looked at my email order & then ordered the second one. I felt like a crazy person! Well....

Did you get the es palette?