MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Well, i am super bummed.

Last week I phoned my local MAC to see if they would get Bao Bao, since i knew it was limited release. The woman who answered the phone said she'd check with the manager and put me on hold, when she came back she told me they were. I was happy. It's close, and easy to get to and has free parking, and has a bench in front of the door - i have a herniated disc and can't stand long.

So i just called to double check and the woman who answered the phone said, nope, they were not getting it. Only 3 store in the SF Bay area would have it.

One is the Pro store in SF. So I phoned them to find out what time they'd open and the woman said to call back again later tonight because they might open at 9:30 AM instead of the usual 10 AM. Of course, there will be a MOB, and there's nowhere for me to sit while i wait. Plus i'll be going down in super rush hour traffic. Ugh.

Something simple and easy has turned into something complex and difficult. If i were a young sprout it wouldn't be such a big deal, but i'm older, have some uncooperative body parts, and walk with a cane. Boo, MAC for not getting their store's stories straight.


Well-known member
I love how Lavender Jade looks on me! (I'm NC30)


Well-known member
Okay I take back what I said about the polishes. They are BEAUTIFUL! And they dry quickly, which is a major plus for me. Photos don't do these polishes justice. No regrets here. Now i'm just trying to decide which one to use first...


Well-known member
Well, i am super bummed.

Last week I phoned my local MAC to see if they would get Bao Bao, since i knew it was limited release. The woman who answered the phone said she'd check with the manager and put me on hold, when she came back she told me they were. I was happy. It's close, and easy to get to and has free parking, and has a bench in front of the door - i have a herniated disc and can't stand long.

So i just called to double check and the woman who answered the phone said, nope, they were not getting it. Only 3 store in the SF Bay area would have it.

One is the Pro store in SF. So I phoned them to find out what time they'd open and the woman said to call back again later tonight because they might open at 9:30 AM instead of the usual 10 AM. Of course, there will be a MOB, and there's nowhere for me to sit while i wait. Plus i'll be going down in super rush hour traffic. Ugh.

Something simple and easy has turned into something complex and difficult. If i were a young sprout it wouldn't be such a big deal, but i'm older, have some uncooperative body parts, and walk with a cane. Boo, MAC for not getting their store's stories straight.
Can you go to Nordie's?


Well-known member
Mannnnnnn, I didn't know what I was getting into when I signed up on here!!! would look good in FS though! IJS ;)
Girl I thought I didn't want LJ until this site and I ended up ordering it! Now I want SO and I don't even know how it will look on me! I'm NW45.


Well-known member
Got my goodies finally ! SO is beyond gorgeous!! I will definitely be using it often. I'm def gonna get a BU. BK is pretty too, but I looks very similar to Red Balloon which I already have


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by lilinah Well, i am super bummed.

Last week I phoned my local MAC to see if they would get Bao Bao, since i knew it was limited release. The woman who answered the phone said she'd check with the manager and put me on hold, when she came back she told me they were. I was happy. It's close, and easy to get to and has free parking, and has a bench in front of the door - i have a herniated disc and can't stand long.

So i just called to double check and the woman who answered the phone said, nope, they were not getting it. Only 3 store in the SF Bay area would have it.


Can you go to Nordie's?
I'm confused. I thought Nordstrom wasn't getting this collection...

ETA: zip diddle on the website - all sold out i guess.