When I was in college, I wore color contact lenses. To this day, to tht best of my knowledge, these are still not for extended wear, as in the pop in and leave for in for weeks (30 days). OK, for those who are younger, will so understand where I am coming from. You find yourself in the morning with a hot guy from the bar from the night before. You went home with them with blue eyes, you can't take out the contacts, because then they will so know you have green. So you leave them in. Then you have to go to class, crash, then either go to work or back to the hottest party on campus. So the contacts stay in long much longer then they should. I ended up with a huge eye infection that ended me up in the ER, nearly lost my eye. Then the eye doctor actually said your days of wearing contacts are over. Of course, I blew him off. So....yes I admit I am stupid and you are correct. Did my mama call you???? She preaches this to me on a daily basis. Of course her being a retired Emergency Department nurse doesn't help, ugh.