MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)


LMAO !!! Those shot glass girls, I dont know whether to laugh or feel bad for them.... But yeah Im just naturally very shy so with bold lips I just will dab the color or go for mattes.... yeah I have problems
You should laugh every single time, I do. Especially since those girls have seen the other videos and know it's not going to end well but try it anyway.


Well-known member
Ppl complainin about having beautiful lips psh that's like skinny girls whining that they're too skinny while those of us on a diet glare... Girls with thick hair complaining they have too much hair... Ladies with big backsides complaining they're too curvy... Stop hating what most of us would love to have! Yall sound like me when I get dressed up and think I'm really hot and then my husband walks in and I'm like "I'm ugly..."
I'm just teasing, I know we're all self conscious about something, but seriously, you're beautiful.


Well-known member
Does licensing have anything to do with Heaux coming back in a different formula?
Sure do!
You don't post selfies often but when you do... :hot:
Oh my! :blush: :blush: Thanks!
Damn it looks so good on you. Wish I got this when I had the chance, I dont want no damn cremesheen! Im a matte girl all the way
Thanks doll! I agree! They need to find a way to just pay the girl her monies! *bitch better have my money playin in the background*


Well-known member
Ppl complainin about having beautiful lips psh that's like skinny girls whining that they're too skinny while those of us on a diet glare... Girls with thick hair complaining they have too much hair... Ladies with big backsides complaining they're too curvy... Stop hating what most of us would love to have! Yall sound like me when I get dressed up and think I'm really hot and then my husband walks in and I'm like "I'm ugly..."
I'm just teasing, I know we're all self conscious about something, but seriously, you're beautiful.
I whine that I'm skinny all the time :pp:


Well-known member
I whine that I'm skinny all the time
Boooooo!!!!! Not fair! My diet today allows for two pieces of sushi and a half cup of fiber cereal. And three miles on the treadmill, 30 minutes cross-training and 20 minutes yoga. That's the life of a fat girl :( I lay awake at night trying not to throw up because it hurts to take vitamins on an empty stomach. But I'm HAPPY to do it, because it's better than looking like this, at least for me! Lots of women wear it better. No pain no gain, right? Or I suppose no pain YES gain...


Well-known member
Boooooo!!!!! Not fair! My diet today allows for two pieces of sushi and a half cup of fiber cereal. And three miles on the treadmill, 30 minutes cross-training and 20 minutes yoga. That's the life of a fat girl :( I lay awake at night trying not to throw up because it hurts to take vitamins on an empty stomach. But I'm HAPPY to do it, because it's better than looking like this, at least for me! Lots of women wear it better. No pain no gain, right? Or I suppose no pain YES gain...
I always say we each have our struggle. I was always teased growing up for being skinny and spent a lot of time covering up and having a complex about it. I always wanted to gain weight. It's only when I got older I accepted it but if I lose any weight to this day I get majorly pissed.


Well-known member
I always say we each have our struggle. I was always teased growing up for being skinny and spent a lot of time covering up and having a complex about it. I always wanted to gain weight. It's only when I got older I accepted it but if I lose any weight to this day I get majorly pissed.
That's true. I'm sorry you have to deal with that :( I just always feel like society is much more accepting of women who are too thin than of women who are too fat. I feel so embarrassed whenever I hear jokes on tv about cankles or muffin-tops or chubby chasers, or whatever. We're just so objectified in a bad way, I feel like everyone is looking down at me. It makes me feel weak. Like of all I've made it through in my life all people see is still just an ugly girl. It would be nice if I could watch just five minutes of a comedy show without there being a "joke" about an overweight or ugly or old girl. Like there's nothing worse we could be. I just want to look the way society wants me to look so that I can focus on what's really important and not have to feel ashamed. And no, it's NOT easy to just buck up and do that anyway. It's actually much easier to torture myself into looking a certain way. Even when I see friends I haven't seen in a long time they're never like "wow! I can't believe you aced that test! And the work you're doing at your lab! That's amazing!" they're always just like, "wow, you've put on weight!" or "hey you've gotten thinner!" WTF is up with that? Seriously. I'm doing really amazing at school and at work and when I went to a party at my husband's cousins house on sunday, all anyone wanted to talk about was how I got really fat last summer and I'm trying to get thin again. Just once could my family or friends have something else to talk about than my pants size? There are people in one part of my husband's family (that we don't spend much time with, obviously) that have known me for YEARS and they don't even know what I DO but they somehow keep track of my weight.

My parents are the only people who never notice my weight, and I was actually mad at them for YEARS for that, like 15 years, because I blamed them for not forcing me to diet and go out for sports like my skinny friends when I was a kid. I guess they were actually probably the only people doing the right thing... But I ended up with a complex anyway. wth am I gna do with my kids?

But I digress, I can't know what it's like to not be able to gain weight, since that's always been the opposite of my problem... Maybe I like specktra so much because we're all so supportive of each other being beautiful and unique and individual. Makeup helps us celebrate what we like about ourselves instead of succumbing to the "never good enough" message of the masses... This is a good place to be, and makeup is great therapy :) And I kind of like the objectification of men we get goin' on sometimes...


Well-known member
That's true. I'm sorry you have to deal with that :( I just always feel like society is much more accepting of women who are too thin than of women who are too fat. I feel so embarrassed whenever I hear jokes on tv about cankles or muffin-tops or chubby chasers, or whatever. We're just so objectified in a bad way, I feel like everyone is looking down at me. It makes me feel weak. Like of all I've made it through in my life all people see is still just an ugly girl. It would be nice if I could watch just five minutes of a comedy show without there being a "joke" about an overweight or ugly or old girl. Like there's nothing worse we could be. I just want to look the way society wants me to look so that I can focus on what's really important and not have to feel ashamed. And no, it's NOT easy to just buck up and do that anyway. It's actually much easier to torture myself into looking a certain way. Even when I see friends I haven't seen in a long time they're never like "wow! I can't believe you aced that test! And the work you're doing at your lab! That's amazing!" they're always just like, "wow, you've put on weight!" or "hey you've gotten thinner!" WTF is up with that? Seriously. I'm doing really amazing at school and at work and when I went to a party at my husband's cousins house on sunday, all anyone wanted to talk about was how I got really fat last summer and I'm trying to get thin again. Just once could my family or friends have something else to talk about than my pants size? There are people in one part of my husband's family (that we don't spend much time with, obviously) that have known me for YEARS and they don't even know what I DO but they somehow keep track of my weight.

My parents are the only people who never notice my weight, and I was actually mad at them for YEARS for that, like 15 years, because I blamed them for not forcing me to diet and go out for sports like my skinny friends when I was a kid. I guess they were actually probably the only people doing the right thing... But I ended up with a complex anyway. wth am I gna do with my kids?

But I digress, I can't know what it's like to not be able to gain weight, since that's always been the opposite of my problem... Maybe I like specktra so much because we're all so supportive of each other being beautiful and unique and individual. Makeup helps us celebrate what we like about ourselves instead of succumbing to the "never good enough" message of the masses... This is a good place to be, and makeup is great therapy :) And I kind of like the objectification of men we get goin' on sometimes...


Well-known member
That's true. I'm sorry you have to deal with that :( I just always feel like society is much more accepting of women who are too thin than of women who are too fat. I feel so embarrassed whenever I hear jokes on tv about cankles or muffin-tops or chubby chasers, or whatever. We're just so objectified in a bad way, I feel like everyone is looking down at me. It makes me feel weak. Like of all I've made it through in my life all people see is still just an ugly girl. It would be nice if I could watch just five minutes of a comedy show without there being a "joke" about an overweight or ugly or old girl. Like there's nothing worse we could be. I just want to look the way society wants me to look so that I can focus on what's really important and not have to feel ashamed. And no, it's NOT easy to just buck up and do that anyway. It's actually much easier to torture myself into looking a certain way. Even when I see friends I haven't seen in a long time they're never like "wow! I can't believe you aced that test! And the work you're doing at your lab! That's amazing!" they're always just like, "wow, you've put on weight!" or "hey you've gotten thinner!" WTF is up with that? Seriously. I'm doing really amazing at school and at work and when I went to a party at my husband's cousins house on sunday, all anyone wanted to talk about was how I got really fat last summer and I'm trying to get thin again. Just once could my family or friends have something else to talk about than my pants size? There are people in one part of my husband's family (that we don't spend much time with, obviously) that have known me for YEARS and they don't even know what I DO but they somehow keep track of my weight.  My parents are the only people who never notice my weight, and I was actually mad at them for YEARS for that, like 15 years, because I blamed them for not forcing me to diet and go out for sports like my skinny friends when I was a kid. I guess they were actually probably the only people doing the right thing... But I ended up with a complex anyway. wth am I gna do with my kids? But I digress, I can't know what it's like to not be able to gain weight, since that's always been the opposite of my problem... Maybe I like specktra so much because we're all so supportive of each other being beautiful and unique and individual. Makeup helps us celebrate what we like about ourselves instead of succumbing to the "never good enough" message of the masses... This is a good place to be, and makeup is great therapy :) And I kind of like the objectification of men we get goin' on sometimes...
I know, society kinda sucks that way. So glad your parents were like that. I know makeup brings us together here. The only thing that matters is that. It's great! What do you do in the lab?


Well-known member
I know, society kinda sucks that way. So glad your parents were like that. I know makeup brings us together here. The only thing that matters is that. It's great! What do you do in the lab?
yay makeup! and non-conformity! I do everything from silver staining to neural degeneration analyses, but over the last year I've mostly been the lab surgeon, operating on mice hoping for better treatments for chronic pain :) I'm an animal lover, so it can be hard to work with animals in a research capacity, but I think that's exactly where you NEED animal rights activists so you can be sure everything is done properly with the welfare of the subjects as a top consideration.

Thanks for being understanding instead of just telling me I shouldn't diet. Most people get kind of aggressive and judge me for the way I deal with the weight stuff if they find out. So I really appreciate it when someone is like, "hey, we've all got issues," instead of "you're insane!"

I'm going to wear makeup tomorrow :) Because I'm pretty :)


Well-known member
yay makeup! and non-conformity! I do everything from silver staining to neural degeneration analyses, but over the last year I've mostly been the lab surgeon, operating on mice hoping for better treatments for chronic pain :) I'm an animal lover, so it can be hard to work with animals in a research capacity, but I think that's exactly where you NEED animal rights activists so you can be sure everything is done properly with the welfare of the subjects as a top consideration.  Thanks for being understanding instead of just telling me I shouldn't diet. Most people get kind of aggressive and judge me for the way I deal with the weight stuff if they find out. So I really appreciate it when someone is like, "hey, we've all got issues," instead of "you're insane!" I'm going to wear makeup tomorrow :) Because I'm pretty :) 
Omg that's amazing! My sis teaches in a lab. I should ask what she does. I usually glaze over :p What cracks me up is ppl judge about the reaction they pretty much caused! I used to get "Omg, you're so skinny" said to me in a disgusted manner and it would bother me. Then they would wonder why I don't wear shorts or skirts! I remember trying a weight-gaining powdered drink that you mixed...wasn't creatine, but I was in high school! And I've always eaten a lot. I'm no slacker in that area, but my Mom is small too. She actually went through the same complex. I barely saw my Mom's legs outside of home. In our culture, the more curves the better and they took pride in making jokes about ppl and their "fault". So someone who is short is, "Short John", slim "Boney Kathy", bigger person "Fat Leslie". When I hear my father say some of the nicknames from back then I cringe. Later in life I interpreted what ppl said differently saying "They're just hating" and that worked for me. I would say, "Yes I am skinny, thank God!" I've been wearing shorts, short skirts, leggings for many years now. Granted I am no where as skinny as I was in the 90's. I remember I packed on the pounds (for me) around 2002 and ppl had something to say then too. So ppl who met me then, when I went back to my regular weight, "Omg, what happened?!" I never get why it concerns them. You just have to do you. Can't please everyone. Nor should we feel the need to. When I explain my struggle ppl say "Oh boo-hoo, I wish I had that problem!" To this day. Cracks me up. Anyway, you're awesome, we're all awesome! Let's wear makeup! :frenz:

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