MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member
I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE Nordstrom right now. Ordered on MOnday, it won't get here until WEDNESDAY ( I was trying to sneak taht package in the house) buncha bitches LMAO
Ordered Monday, projected delivery date was Friday (5/22) but received today, a day early. Perhaps your order will show up on Friday.


Well-known member
I didn't even think of Whirl, and I have it! I'll try that one in the AM. I'm leaning towards buying Subculture as I like the swatches I've seen. Now I need to check swatches of Soar! Lol Thanks for the advice!
I can swatch for you tomorrow after my Drs appt.


Well-known member
I can swatch for you tomorrow after my Drs appt.
Thanks Hun! I appreciate it. I asked in an earlier post about the M&D brushes bc I'm trying to figure out which to buy. Did you get them? I'm leaning toward 125 bc I do not think there is that 125 style in the permanent brush collection? But I think the 126, as a fluffier brush would be of more use to me. I really want both but I just cannot swing it right now.


Well-known member
Thanks Hun! I appreciate it. I asked in an earlier post about the M&D brushes bc I'm trying to figure out which to buy. Did you get them? I'm leaning toward 125 bc I do not think there is that 125 style in the permanent brush collection? But I think the 126, as a fluffier brush would be of more use to me. I really want both but I just cannot swing it right now.


Well-known member
Thanks, Laura. It is so hard I keep thinking I need to get her food, get her medicine ready (she needed thyroid meds daily), etc. it's worse when I first wake up because she liked to lay on me and get lots of attention then. I know that she had a good life with me, I found her in the middle of a busy Atlanta road at rush hour when she was only 1 pound. I already had a 3 year old cat but I had to rescue her. My other cat also lived to be 18, so they had a long life together. It never gets easier when you have to let one go. I held both of them when they were put to sleep, but with Scully I couldn't let her go. She was a little cat so she always looked like a kitten. But I think it's important to know when their quality of life won't be there anymore and let them go. If you feel the need, this site is really great:
Sorry it took me so long to get back, I kept it new in my inbox and just kept getting teary because I didn't want to think about it... My dog who died when I was six is still regularly in my dreams, and every single pet we've ever lost I still expect them to be there. I expect to hear their nails click on the floor when I come home, even friends and family's pets, my husbands cousin whose dog was hit by a car last year I still expect to see him when I go to their house and I start to cry when I think about it. I drove over to their house right after it happened but there was nothing anyone could do. Anyway, it helps to know we're not the only ones with all this love to give. It's worth it, the value they add to your life and the joy you give to them will always outweigh the pain. I smile and laugh all day every day when I'm home just watching my idiot cats chase each other around like maniacs and my dog following me around with a sad face when he has nothing better to do. And when I'm so full of stress I'm ready to cry and snapping at everyone, the pets always calm me down because I can't snap at them. They aren't like a husband, they don't understand that you had a rough day and have a test coming up, they just don't know why you're being mean. It's like when a two year old does something awful, you don't get mad because what would be the point? I think that's why they're clinically shown to lower blood pressure (pets, not two year olds!!!). Two year olds dump all of your makeup on the floor and gouge out all the cream products with chubby little fingers. I will be useful and post my swatches when I get my stuff! Shoulda been quicker on that launch


Well-known member
I already have a ton of fluffy face brushes, but I needed a good one for Golden Rinse so I went with the 125. I tried using my #18 Shu Uemura, but it's too small. I just washed my 125 today so I haven't been able to use it yet. I'll let you know how it goes.
You're a doll!! Thanks!!!


Well-known member
The 125SE is the most amazing brush on the face of the planet for contouring!!! I've only used it twice and already love it more than my regulars (KVD S+L brush [angled contour side], NARS ITA brush and MAC 163.) Just sooo great for blending


Well-known member
My friend suggested a really gorgeous combo: Tumble Dry lipstick with a little bit of Hot/Cold on top. It is so pretty!


Active member
Also nice: Tumble Dry over Staunchly Stylish


Well-known member
Ordered Monday, projected delivery date was Friday (5/22) but received today, a day early.  Perhaps your order will show up on Friday.
They ship from Iowa and I'm in NYC. Where are you ladies? I'm guessing the closer people get their stuff a lot quicker than projected (I'm a genius aren't I? :lol: )


Well-known member
My friend suggested a really gorgeous combo: Tumble Dry lipstick with a little bit of Hot/Cold on top. It is so pretty!
Sounds pretty. H/C is gorg. A mua/sa at MAC used GOB on top of TD. I'll try that since I couldn't resist getting GOB yesterday!


Well-known member
No work today so no heavy makeup! Wearing Hipness, RG bronzer and Girl on Board l/g which is :eyelove: OMG, I may need a b/u. I get CDN and FU today!


Well-known member
So I finally tried my products - Golden Rinse, FU & CW. loving everything, especially golden rinse. I found it applied better w a dense brush and had no problem with pigmentation. It looks so natural on!! Everyone needs it haha


Well-known member
I tried ST and i liked but is not for everyday and i dont want more "bright" colors
No FU for me, I got a whole palette of peaches and oranges I feel I have those colors. :)
I got steam heat only for the packaging LOL Tumble Dry is too light (lighter than See sheer which is the lightest I can go without looking washed out), CDN is even lighter and morange is a no no because I also have a palette full of orange lipsticks + a bunch of other oranges I don't use often.


Well-known member
So I finally tried my products - Golden Rinse, FU & CW. loving everything, especially golden rinse. I found it applied better w a dense brush and had no problem with pigmentation. It looks so natural on!! Everyone needs it haha
Gorgeous Jen :heart: !! Yes, go get Hipness asap!! You need it!! :D