All Things Sephora


Well-known member
Unfortunately I've had the same experience at most of the ones I've been to. They're either rude or just unattentive. The only time I had a good experience was at the Deer Park one in NY. Actually, the ladies in the Foley, AL one weren't bad either. I NEVER read the Sephora review section. Most of the people on there are crazy!
Don't bother. Ever. You won't learn a damn thing because people give 1 star just to ask a question about the product or complain that's it's taking too long to get to them or that it sold out. That's where crazy goes to live.


Well-known member
My order for Champagne Pop shipped today but I never received a shipment confirmation. I just logged into my account and saw the tracking number next to my order number. I guess they may be behind in sending out the product and the shipping confirmations due to the large number of sales yesterday because they normally ship the same day I order if I order before 3pm (with flash shipping).


Well-known member
Don't bother. Ever. You won't learn a damn thing because people give 1 star just to ask a question about the product or complain that's it's taking too long to get to them or that it sold out. That's where crazy goes to live.
I hate when people use the review section for the wrong purpose. I personally hate shopping in store and prefer to buy online so I rely quite heavily on reviews and star ratings sometimes to make informed decisions before buying a product. So when people leave ratings and reviews with comments that have nothing to do with the performance of the product, it kind of gets on my nerves because I refer to that section of a site for the purpose it's intended for, not to see someone complain about unrelated topics. Sorry to rant but it's one of my pet peeves, which was further exacerbated by the review section of the Champagne Pop highlighter. People are using that review section like it's a forum.


Well-known member

My order for Champagne Pop shipped today but I never received a shipment confirmation. I just logged into my account and saw the tracking number next to my order number. I guess they may be behind in sending out the product and the shipping confirmations due to the large number of sales yesterday because they normally ship the same day I order if I order before 3pm (with flash shipping).
We all were things it was going too smoothly to be true---and you see----it wasn't. They're probably just behind dealing with order volume but they had to have
expected it right


Well-known member
I hate when people use the review section for the wrong purpose. I personally hate shopping in store and prefer to buy online so I rely quite heavily on reviews and star ratings sometimes to make informed decisions before buying a product. So when people leave ratings and reviews with comments that have nothing to do with the performance of the product, it kind of gets on my nerves because I refer to that section of a site for the purpose it's intended for, not to see someone complain about unrelated topics. Sorry to rant but it's one of my pet peeves, which was further exacerbated by the review section of the Champagne Pop highlighter. People are using that review section like it's a forum.
Great rant because I totally agree with you!!!


Well-known member
We all were things it was going too smoothly to be true---and you see----it wasn't. They're probably just behind dealing with order volume but they had to have
expected it right
I'm always curious as to why companies who have big product launches and sales every year that they know will bring in a lot of customers are never fully prepared to handle them and have the same problems every time. The purchasing process was smooth so I have no complaints there but the warehouse should have been better prepared to get shipments and shipment confirmations out on time. The delay in my shipment confirmation and the shipment doesn't bother me much but it does seem like they should have anticipated this and had shipment confirmations go out shortly after the orders do.


Well-known member
:shock:   [COLOR=0000FF] Way to go Shontay----I hope it's still around.  Meddy wants you to glow and be seen from the Hubble Space Telescope too![/COLOR]:kiss:   [COLOR=0000FF] I can't get motivated today.  I should go out for a few things but I'm just not in the mood.  I don't feel like this is a holiday weekend, we don't have plans and we're still[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   looking at the debris from the [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]50 ft Maple tree that went down in our yard, and I'm having a root canal on Monday.   My rant is your fault Shontay---got me started when[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   you mentioned the heat and staying in.  Ahhhh---I feel so [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]much better now!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   I was horrified when I read a couple of Sephora reviews.  Did these people attend the University of Stupidity or what:shock: [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  We all were things it was going too smoothly to be true---and you see----it wasn't.  They're probably just behind dealing with order volume but they had to have[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  expected it right[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR]:shrugs:  
That's why I love Blushed Copper. I was just posing in the mirror while wearing it and it was all bam, bam bam. That reflection. I think the non-gold highlighters seem to have the most impact on my skin. Who knew? Oh, sorry about the tree in your yard. As for the root canal, it sucks to have to have one, but I can tell you it doesn't hurt. Some aching, but that's it. The toughest is the needle to numb you. I'm a big baby, so if I think it's nothing I'm sure you'll be just fine. :)


Well-known member
I'm always curious as to why companies who have big product launches and sales every year that they know will bring in a lot of customers are never fully prepared to handle them and have the same problems every time. The purchasing process was smooth so I have no complaints there but the warehouse should have been better prepared to get shipments and shipment confirmations out on time. The delay in my shipment confirmation and the shipment doesn't bother me much but it does seem like they should have anticipated this and had shipment confirmations go out shortly after the  orders do. 
In my experience, even if a company doesn't send a notification of shipment, you can still see the status by checking into your account. That drives me crazy. It's like the internet makes people lazier and they don't know that if they take an extra second to look into their online account, they may have an update. Of course, that's not all cases, but there are times, with different sites, that I see my item has shipped and not getting the e-mail until later is no big deal.


Well-known member
My order from yesterday is already here. This is by far the fastest I have ever gotten anything from Sephora -- I was expecting it to come on Monday or Tuesday!


Well-known member
Don't bother. Ever. You won't learn a damn thing because people give 1 star just to ask a question about the product or complain that's it's taking too long to get to them or that it sold out. That's where crazy goes to live.
I hate when people use the review section for the wrong purpose. I personally hate shopping in store and prefer to buy online so I rely quite heavily on reviews and star ratings sometimes to make informed decisions before buying a product. So when people leave ratings and reviews with comments that have nothing to do with the performance of the product, it kind of gets on my nerves because I refer to that section of a site for the purpose it's intended for, not to see someone complain about unrelated topics. Sorry to rant but it's one of my pet peeves, which was further exacerbated by the review section of the Champagne Pop highlighter. People are using that  review section like it's a forum.
Favorite part: the people using the review section to tell other people not to post there. :lol: Way to be part of the problem, lolol


Well-known member
Oh, sorry about the tree in your yard. As for the root canal, it sucks to have to have one, but I can tell you it doesn't hurt. Some aching, but that's it. The toughest is the needle to numb you. I'm a big baby, so if I think it's nothing I'm sure you'll be just fine.
You always make me laugh under the worst of circumstances

So about the root canal----I was totally symptomatic and went in for my routine cleaning and checkup and got
GLOWING remarks from my orthodontist (I go 4 times/year, alternating between practitioners---long story) on
the exam and my at home care----blah, blah. He looked at the XRays and was like oops---a few problems.
I also need bone grafting because a chemo drug that I took last October causes bone loss in the jaw. If there's a
remote possibility of something odd or untoward happening, it's gonna happen to me.

I went to my other dentist for the root canal and he couldn't find it and after drilling for a good 10 minutes or so
determined that the canal is calcified, so I'm going to an Endodontist/Root Canal Specialist. Oh happy day!
I have the lowest pain tolerance on the planet and I preface that w/every doc I see----bring out your arsenal
because I'm gonna need it!



Well-known member
   :lmao: [COLOR=0000FF]You always make me laugh under the worst of circumstances[/COLOR]:frenz:   [COLOR=0000FF]So about the root canal----I was totally symptomatic and went in for my routine cleaning and checkup and got[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  GLOWING remarks from my orthodontist (I go 4 times/year, alternating between [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]practitioners---long story) on[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  the exam and my at home care----blah, blah.  He looked at the XRays and was like oops---a few problems.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  I also need bone grafting because a chemo drug that I[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] took last October causes bone loss in the jaw.  If there's a[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  remote possibility of something odd or untoward happening, it's gonna happen to me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  I went to my other dentist for the root canal and he couldn't find it and after drilling for a good 10 minutes or so[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  determined that  the canal is calcified, so I'm going to an Endodontist/Root Canal [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Specialist. [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Oh happy day!  [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  I have the lowest pain tolerance on the planet and I preface that w/every doc I see----bring out your arsenal[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  because I'm gonna need it![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  [/COLOR]:D  
I cry at paper cuts and i have to report them to somebody so they can feel bad for me. We're in the same boat. At least when it's all over you'll feel so much better.


Well-known member
My order from yesterday is already here. This is by far the fastest I have ever gotten anything from Sephora -- I was expecting it to come on Monday or Tuesday!
That's incredible!!! I have gotten things that fast from Sephora. That it's taken so long is the exception rather than
the rule for my experience w/them. I guess this is were we can see clearly that they were deluged with orders!!!


Well-known member
Favorite part: the people using the review section to tell other people not to post there.
Way to be part of the problem, lolol
I saw a lot of that yesterday, lol. I was like "You're clogging up the review section too."
But I'm not going to lie, I did find some of the comments with people going back and forth arguing entertaining, lol.


Well-known member
Don't bother. Ever. You won't learn a damn thing because people give 1 star just to ask a question about the product or complain that's it's taking too long to get to them or that it sold out. That's where crazy goes to live.

I read them LOL!!!!! I posted that one reviewer said you could see the highlighter from space


Well-known member
You always make me laugh under the worst of circumstances

So about the root canal----I was totally symptomatic and went in for my routine cleaning and checkup and got
GLOWING remarks from my orthodontist (I go 4 times/year, alternating between practitioners---long story) on
the exam and my at home care----blah, blah. He looked at the XRays and was like oops---a few problems.
I also need bone grafting because a chemo drug that I took last October causes bone loss in the jaw. If there's a
remote possibility of something odd or untoward happening, it's gonna happen to me.

I went to my other dentist for the root canal and he couldn't find it and after drilling for a good 10 minutes or so
determined that the canal is calcified, so I'm going to an Endodontist/Root Canal Specialist. Oh happy day!
I have the lowest pain tolerance on the planet and I preface that w/every doc I see----bring out your arsenal
because I'm gonna need it!

Aww, hun ..I'll keep you in my heart & prayers!

Just try not to think of my cleavage highlighted so you can see them from space....I wouldn't want you to accidentally laugh


Well-known member
Oh, sorry about the tree in your yard. As for the root canal, it sucks to have to have one, but I can tell you it doesn't hurt. Some aching, but that's it. The toughest is the needle to numb you. I'm a big baby, so if I think it's nothing I'm sure you'll be just fine.
You always make me laugh under the worst of circumstances

So about the root canal----I was totally symptomatic and went in for my routine cleaning and checkup and got
GLOWING remarks from my orthodontist (I go 4 times/year, alternating between practitioners---long story) on
the exam and my at home care----blah, blah. He looked at the XRays and was like oops---a few problems.
I also need bone grafting because a chemo drug that I took last October causes bone loss in the jaw. If there's a
remote possibility of something odd or untoward happening, it's gonna happen to me.

I went to my other dentist for the root canal and he couldn't find it and after drilling for a good 10 minutes or so
determined that the canal is calcified, so I'm going to an Endodontist/Root Canal Specialist. Oh happy day!
I have the lowest pain tolerance on the planet and I preface that w/every doc I see----bring out your arsenal
because I'm gonna need it!

How dreadful! Just think happy thoughts about all your impending makeup deliveries.