MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)



I hope they let you B2M! Over here it's 4 weeks after the initial release. Did all the stuff release at counters today too? I was in the city centre today, bother that I didn't go and checked it! I'm so out of the loop! And why isn't Heaux on the site? Is it already SO?
oh, I did not visit the counter. Normally they start selling new stuff on the first day of the new month here. It's like a "secret" everyone knows about. Might have a look tomorrow on my way to work, just to be sure.


Well-known member
I used mine about 1/3 before I sold it. I felt it was too dry but I did love the color. I am hoping I like this one and I can always matify it a bit with some powder.
Thanks for responding. I'm hoping I really REALLY like it too. Maybe its one of those cremesheens that don't apply like cremesheen. MAC changes their formula alot lately.


Well-known member
No Heaux for you?

Both online exclusive l/s were never listed to begin with, they're definitely not SO. I wonder if they'll add them later?
Ah, here we go again...


Well-known member
I hope they let you B2M! Over here it's 4 weeks after the initial release.
Did all the stuff release at counters today too? I was in the city centre today, bother that I didn't go and checked it! I'm so out of the loop!
And why isn't Heaux on the site? Is it already SO?

Both online exclusive l/s were never listed to begin with, they're definitely not SO. I wonder if they'll add them later?
You know what? Honestly. I don't remember seeing Heaux on the website. I still have the original, so I will hold off on this one.


Well-known member
I've never had Heaux or a creamsheen, so hopefully this is nice! If the only problem is longevity, I don't mind. Pigmentation and opacity are more my concern.


Well-known member
I was going to skip, but decided to get Heaux just because. I never had the original, so it will be nice to have.


Well-known member
I just ordered ...

Lipsticks (LE) ($16)
Heaux- Berry (Cremesheen)
Royally Riotous- Malty warm brown (Amplified)

Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadow trio (LE) ($25)
Gingerluxe- Tangerine orange/ Yellow Gold/ Deep sparkly khaki
Fabulous three- Champagne beige/ Rosy Pink/ Burgundy

I'll check out everything else in store.


Well-known member
I am glad I checked the site this morning...... MAC has been releasing stuff early lately.

Anyway, I got Quelle Surprise and Heaux. I never had the first RM Heaux so I'm happy to get this one. I passes on the VPF palettes because at most I want one color out of the trios and I already have the lip glass I wanted from this collection.

I hope everyone is able to get what they want from this sneak launch.


Well-known member
Decisions, Decisions...I like D for Danger a lot and debating if the Heaux creemesheen is for me! I also like QS but I have sooooooooooooooo many deep purples. I just bought UD Jilted yesterday-I have UD Venom and love it (another deep purple) What to do??


Well-known member
Woh didn't expect it to drop yet. And I'm shocked that Heaux isn't sold out. I usually don't like to get items blind without swatches. But figured I should prob snatch it up now just in case. I'll wait to see swatches of How Tropical. Happy Hauling everyone!

Howards End

Well-known member
Yes!  That's how I knew, and I'm thankful since it wasn't on the expected launch date.  I probably accidentally opted in to their emails when I made my account.
MAC always sends me email alerts on new collections and this time nothing lol. I'm glad it launched today though because my work will be busy in August lol


MAC always sends me email alerts on new collections and this time nothing lol. I'm glad it launched today though because my work will be busy in August lol
at least here in germany, those emails always are super late. For example, I received the one for Patentpolish some days ago, lol. Not really helpful for stalking :) everything has been sold out for ages when the VAT emails are sent, I guess.


Well-known member
I received a confirmation for my lipsticks as well. I wonder why MAC decided to put this out today- hope that it is not a glitch. I mean it's not like they don't have any new collections out already.

Will it be in store next week or on August 13th?

After this collection drops in store, I'm just going to look at (and possibly buy) some items from the permanent collection. I don't see anything tempting me (maybe a lipstick from the Haute Dogs collection) from the upcoming collections.

The email says it will be in store on August 13th.
Quote: Originally Posted by Howards End

Just curious, did MAC send you an email alerting you to this collection specifically?
I got an email too - that's how I knew it was up.