MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)


Well-known member
To be honest I do not need a liner with Heaux. I think that is the case with most retro mattes. Liners are optional. And keep in mind that I am a lip liner girl for the most part.
Okie dokie! I'm guessing I'll probably need one with this cremesheen business... hmmmm... experimenting will be fun.


Well-known member
Thanks! Stupidity. Thanks, hehee. Girl I just bought it. I eh able! The launches after the new website I've ordered from my phone and I found it easier than this mess. It starts off looking organized in three rows, then it turns into a single file of a long stream of products that I have to scroll through! WTF?! I asked her in the GBV thread if she ordered her Heaux, lol. She was online at the time too.
I got two Heauxs. I'm happy. Now I have four total. Two from the RiRi collection and two from this collection.
I was going to skip, but decided to get Heaux just because. I never had the original, so it will be nice to have.
You will not regret it. Heaux is da bomb!
Is that your most used lipstick/Riri lipstick?
For me it is along with RiRi Boy. Lol
No, I think I'm good with one creamsheen Heaux. I own one lipstick in that finish and it's the CDN from W&D because I wanted the tube. Nothing before that. Yeah all of RiRi's collections were hotness. 
The RiRi collections were amazing.


Well-known member
Did someone already post this and I missed it?


Well-known member
Well, now I might need the tropical one and the pillow one. Should have gotten those instead of flowerscope and the gloss.


Well-known member
Totally forgot about this collection! :shock: It should launch online tomorrow over here, definitely gonna grab PillowTalk and maybe Quelle Surprise.


Well-known member
I was gonna skip but QS is just so damn pretty lol. I'm wondering tho if I should pick up heaux as well bc I already have D for Danger and it's pretty much a perfect dupe and I'm kinda iffy about the cs finish . I missed the og heaux the first time around so I kinda want it although it's not matte


Well-known member
Crossing my fingers that someone did the overnight shipping with their purchase. I am sooooo wanting to see swatches right now! lol