(HAA): Highlighter Addicts Anonymous


Well-known member
I don't have any of them!! I think I deserve Cindy. @Shars when is that sale. I don't know that I want to wait
I've had it in my Amazon cart for months, it's $21.50 there.
Oh Monty I would wait. Even Nordies has them on sale from time to time.


Well-known member
Just found this image of the ABH ones. Have you all discussed them in here?

From Pinterest
I've been waiting for these highlighters since the start of the summer. Have you seen the swatches of all 4 shades? They are GORGEOUS!!
If you haven't, then I can share the pics.
I heard this morning that Macy's would have it after Sept. 15th. I thought these were supposed to come out in late August on the ABH website.


Well-known member
Yes! Yes, we do. Move over Mary. You're about to have company. :haha: I've been waiting for these highlighters since the start of the summer. Have you seen the swatches of all 4 shades? They are GORGEOUS!! If you haven't, then I can share the pics. I heard this morning that Macy's would have it after Sept. 15th. I thought these were supposed to come out in late August on the ABH website.
Please share! Yes, late Aug on their site, so they say.


Well-known member
Hmmm...I can't remember where I'd saved the last swatch of Peach Nectar, the 4th highlighter.

So Hollywood (gold), Riviera (rose gold), Starlight (silver), Peach Nectar (peach)



Well-known member
Yes! Yes, we do.
Move over Mary. You're about to have company.

I've been waiting for these highlighters since the start of the summer. Have you seen the swatches of all 4 shades? They are GORGEOUS!!
If you haven't, then I can share the pics.
I heard this morning that Macy's would have it after Sept. 15th. I thought these were supposed to come out in late August on the ABH website.


Well-known member
Hmmm...I can't remember where I'd saved the last swatch of Peach Nectar, the 4th highlighter. [COLOR=545454]So Hollywood (gold), Riviera ([/COLOR][COLOR=545454]rose gold), Starlight (silver), [/COLOR][COLOR=6A6A6A]Peach Nectar[/COLOR][COLOR=545454] (peach)[/COLOR]
Oh. My. I've missed the pics of Peach Nectar. That needs to join my collection ASAP.


Well-known member
Whoa really????

Very pretty. Riviera swatches beautifully

I know, right! I wanted to get Riviera when it comes out, but then I had to seriously think about how many rose gold highlighters I already have. Too many! Lol. I'm a rose gold junkie.

Quote: Originally Posted by jaymuse

Oh. My. I've missed the pics of Peach Nectar. That needs to join my collection ASAP.
That one is going to join my collection too. ​


Well-known member
I know, right! I wanted to get Riviera when it comes out, but then I had to seriously think about how many rose gold highlighters I already have. Too many! Lol. I'm a rose gold junkie.

That one is going to join my collection too. ​
I know---I have to watch that too!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by alnike86

(Googly eyes)
What are these???


Well-known member
YES----it doesn't get any more ridiculous than that!!!

Oh crap---you just reminded me that I didn't get Cindy Lou---don't tell Dilli---she'll shun me from the thread!!!!

I'm toast if I don't get this!!!

I have the other Lous too. Ok Coco---we have to get Cindy Lou next!!!!
You were supposed to get that one eons ago


Well-known member
I highlight in the winter, just not as intensely, loollll.
There's nothing wrong with liking like an iridescent snowflake... I prefer Winter for that extra touch of ethereal color and light as I'm so pale that it makes winter more colorful, sparkly and, well, I sweat more in summer.. Natural highlights... So winter is fun to Un-drab the dull coldness and celebrate the colors shining off icicles., did I take that too far?


Well-known member
Oh. My. I've missed the pics of Peach Nectar. That needs to join my collection ASAP.
I know, right! I wanted to get Riviera when it comes out, but then I had to seriously think about how many rose gold highlighters I already have. Too many! Lol. I'm a rose gold junkie.  Yup! :nods:  That one is going to join my collection too. ​
  [COLOR=0000FF] I know---I have to watch that too!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] What are these???[/COLOR]
Gerard cosmetic's Lucy, Marilyn, Audrey and illuminator.