I've had it since then and used it maybe once----product overload667 Bel Argus from Summer 2013.
Oh I think I inquired about the blue NP in the Dior Cosmopolite Collex----how it compared to Bel-Argus. I think Dominique provided swatches of the Dior NP. Get some sleep Ash!!!I think I might have posted this to the wrong thread. Maybe on Dior they were showing these swatches, not sure....need sleep.
It's very nice!Yes les Automnales is really pretty. I hope It launches soonI think Alézane would suit you well. I prefer pink or coral blushes but Alézane looks special !
bel - argus is one of my all times fave!
Thank you my friend Yes life beyond is sometimes not so classy as here ![COLOR=0000FF] No apologies necessary dear friend----there is life beyond makeup and Specktra, and sometimes that becomes a priority. Welcome back!!!!:bouquet: [/COLOR]
Thank you Elegant yes it is great to post again ! ️:bouquet: So happy to see you Dom :frenz:
Thank you Urbis I Will try and post a little more ! , And post swatches if I can.welcome back, Dominique
I so agree with the too tired from when my Daddy got so sick. Yet, after things calmed down and he was resting. I did find it soothing just to sort through my stash and putz with my treasures. It was a tease I was gonna be sent back home. Road trip today to western WA. Moving more cooks to the site there. The thought of the area on fire is the size of the entire State of Rhode Island is scary. So would this be out of the frying into the pot of boiling water???? I think I was already there, and they sent me to ID, now back to this area??? They keep moving the base camp since the fire keeps spreading. I don't think I have been to such a large fire??? I just want a bath, wash my hair and get clean clothes. Guess that is going to have to wait.thank you ladies!
I am just exhausted and not in the mood for any makeup buying/enjoying
You do really important front line work, Ash. Thank you for doing that. I have close friends on the west coast who live in some of the regions of the fires and this is, as you say, very scary. The fires are getting bigger. Different regional ecosystems react to shifts in the earth's ecology in different ways. Where I am it is getting colder. In other places, hotter. Stay safe, take care of yourself, and I hope you get the bath and clean clothes. You are a trouper! xoxI so agree with the too tired from when my Daddy got so sick. Yet, after things calmed down and he was resting. I did find it soothing just to sort through my stash and putz with my treasures. It was a tease I was gonna be sent back home. Road trip today to western WA. Moving more cooks to the site there. The thought of the area on fire is the size of the entire State of Rhode Island is scary. So would this be out of the frying into the pot of boiling water???? I think I was already there, and they sent me to ID, now back to this area??? They keep moving the base camp since the fire keeps spreading. I don't think I have been to such a large fire??? I just want a bath, wash my hair and get clean clothes. Guess that is going to have to wait.
Oh Monsy, sorry to hear that, hope things are better now.Hi Meddy! thank you much better than the past two days my little one got sick ended up in the er and admitted to the hospital. thank god we are back home
That's absolutely mind-boggling Ash. I know you're doing a great job! Be safe!I so agree with the too tired from when my Daddy got so sick. Yet, after things calmed down and he was resting. I did find it soothing just to sort through my stash and putz with my treasures. It was a tease I was gonna be sent back home. Road trip today to western WA. Moving more cooks to the site there. The thought of the area on fire is the size of the entire State of Rhode Island is scary. So would this be out of the frying into the pot of boiling water???? I think I was already there, and they sent me to ID, now back to this area??? They keep moving the base camp since the fire keeps spreading. I don't think I have been to such a large fire??? I just want a bath, wash my hair and get clean clothes. Guess that is going to have to wait.
That's good news. And enjoy the clarisonic!He is already much better thank you! I treated myself to clarisonic pedi this morning. Usually it's 199 and I wanted it for so long and now it's on sale on their website for 119$ plus i got the 15$ off code
Ash, be careful out there, hope you get a bath and everything you want. FYI on disability, you can work a certain amount of hours and still get disability. You may need a lawyer, but I'll bet you would be a candidate for SSDI or SSI since it's a permanent disability. My son gets SSI, it took me a year to get it for him,but it's worth the aggravation.Allie, Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. With a scrambled brain, my job options are limited. But heck who can screw up scrambled eggs??? I remember when I applied for disability, I was told you can pick up garbage along side the road. So you are not disabled. Even though you have serious memory issues, lack of coordination, don't know your left from the right literally. So I cook, not a chef, just a cook for hotties.....