All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I placed my order super early and was surprised it shipped a couple hours later. I'm excited to see everyone else's carts. :) I'm also excited to finally get my nars birthday gift.


Well-known member
Awww lol. Girl, I would wait for the VIB sale and get the duo and then return that one!
Well I'm on hold with Customer Service now. Hopefully they can fix it, but if not that's what I'll do provided they don't sell out, but honestly I am kind of afraid to return anything else to Sephora, lol.


Well-known member
I just want to rant.
Apparently there have been unauthorized charges on my credit card so my bank blocked my card, and now I can't use it. I suppose that's why I've been trying to place orders on Sephora and none went through.
Actually I'm using gift card for the full amount. I don't know why Sephora still requires my credit card info.


Well-known member
Order placed!  I'm really proud of myself for trimming down my list. And I had a major return binge today so I'm actually not out of pocket with this purchase, which is amazing.  I decided to wait on a lot of color products until the November sale, and by a lot, I mean only a few eyeshadows and eyeliners that I need to swatch again before deciding, plus maybe a NARS blush, primer (I'm testing various ones now), Chanel Chance, Boscia face linens, and mmmaaaayyybbbeee the YSL Touche Eclat pen and a Black Up blush. I can't find enough Black Up swatches to convince me to purchase. 
Ooh, you got a couple things that I trimmed off my list. Enjoy your goodies!


Well-known member
[COLOR=EE82EE]   I was thinking you look a bit pensive in your new Avi Shontay.  I agree wholeheartedly!!! As a CA survivor and harborer of a major chronic illness, I'm grateful for[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   everyday.  This is a perfect segue [/COLOR][COLOR=EE82EE]into raising awareness for Breast Cancer.  Ladies/Gents breast cancer is no respecter of persons----your age and family history are[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   factors but there are exceptions.  Don't forget to schedule your[/COLOR][COLOR=EE82EE] mammograms and do your self breast exams.[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   I remember Specktra's own Leelee who we lost to cancer at such a young age.  She was a really sweet person.   Such a harsh reminder of how fragile life really is.  [/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   Take a minute to review this video.  You might have seen it already but I entered my best friend as a remarkable woman and lost her to ALS a few months later.  I'm[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   somehow comforted but really [/COLOR][COLOR=EE82EE]moved because once I entered her, she watched this video too.  It may be a suitable reminder of a  remarkable woman in your life.  [/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   This original tribute was coordinated by Kim MacGregor  as a  "feel good" [/COLOR][COLOR=EE82EE]movement, "I Believe She's Amazing" in honor of her friend[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]Erika Heller who passed away[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]   May 28th, 2009 at 31 yrs. old..[/COLOR][COLOR=EE82EE].this is her living legacy.  Check it out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]    I agree wholeheartedly, you never know how lucky you are until you see someone else's struggles, especially with health. Or being hit with something out of the blue, changes your perspective on life. I was born with a chronic/fatal disease, I've been very lucky living so long, while most of my friends have slowly passed away over the years. I was diagnosed with severe form of skin cancer as a co-morbid disease when i was 30, they removed tumors surgically for the past 5 years, but last month they found one that could not be removed so I will be starting radiation therapy in a month to hopefully get rid of it, which is a dangerous treatment for someone with my disorder but if the cancer grows it will spread to vital areas. That being said, watch your bodies ladies! Trust your instincts and always check yourselves. If i hadn't gone in for my routine exam i may not have noticed the teeny tiny start of something that became huge, and it has extended my life. I'm grateful for every extra day I've been given and I'll be 36 in two weeks, the age one of my best friends died at of the same thing. And I don't plan on stopping! There's too many pretty things out there to enjoy still! Sorry for the rant this just really hit home this month.
That's not a rant. I'm happy you're still here.


Well-known member
OHhh I remember you all talking about this color.  Hilarious...  Agreed! LMAO, so true!!!   I thought it was just me.  My first thought was, they are a lil late on a Karen Walker collex. LMAO  oh really? I"ll have to look into this.   NOt to be a Debbie Downer, or bring us back down, but I totally agree.  So I'm very thankful and reminded that I need to get myself in tip top shape.   We just buried my Aunt on Tuesday.  We found out she had lung cancer and it spread to her brain, spine and other places.  Found out too late so treatment would not have helped.  In August my friend literally collapsed and died.  She just turned 48. You just never know what life will throw at you.  Like they say, don't sweat the small stuff.  Let grudges go, and take care of yourself.    Happy Early Bday!  This was very sweet of you to extend, especially since your friend is doing this for us.  So everyone, please be patient, and check your spam folder.  If you don't get a code this month, there is always next month's sale. 
Sorry for your losses, my dear.


Well-known member
Hi Guys, Im getting a lot of responses from yahoo users I know I've entered having issues getting the emails? Can anyone confirm this?
Haven't finished catching up yet, but I'm a Yahoo person, too. I'll keep reading to see if this was resolved...


Well-known member
Does anyone if the UD spectrum palette will be on Sephora on the 20th too as it will be on the UD site. Not sure if I should place my order or wait for that lol


Well-known member
I placed my order!! Ordered 8 Make Up Forever eye brushes and 4 Kat Von D metal crush eyeshadows :pompom: thank you so much for all of your help!! Saved $61 plus 8% on Ebates!


Well-known member
All caught up, finally. [@]colormefab[/@], I don't have anything yet in my inbox or spam, but no biggie. If it comes, it comes. If it doesn't, oh well. Life goes on. Thanks to you and [@]GlamMomAngel[/@] for all your efforts.