aaaaawwwww hell naaaaaw!!! I went to the flagship one n would think becuz I had my red card she'd automatically use common sense n gimme my 20-NOPE!!! I seen that total price n was like ummmmm hellooooo 20% off. She was like "oh do u have ur card" me:
her: yea we're not suppose to give it unless u present the coupon me: I would think it's automatic once u CHECK THE RESUME **waves red card** luckily for HER I did have it but trust n believe had I not-one way or another YOU WILL gimme my shyt!!!! I dmn near felt insulted she'd even question my authority

ooh: im like bytch u know who I be
!!! sorry yall I get worked up when they turn down BUSINESS! Like dmnnnn is this 20% comin out of ur paycheck or something? you would think even if I didn't know about it, u would WANNA help a sista out n save some money which would incline ME to spend more...hmmmm!! Better yet how bout just showing good customer service n goin above n beyond which would make me wanna come back...**le sigh** but who am I smh!!