I just joined this forum because I have been suffering from the same problem and I have been doing SO much research but I still can't find out what these horrible flesh coloured spots are!
I suffer from these mainly on my cheeks and my chin and they don't really show unless im in a really bright or sunny place or if your really looking close up.
Also if i squeeze them, a small little string of "junk" comes out. I call it "junk" because pus from normal acne/spots is quite watery wheras this is firm, a bit like what comes out if you squeeze a blackhead except its yellow/white.
Sorry for going into so much horrible detail but i just want to make sure that i am talking about the same conditionas everybody else.
I have tried steaming my face, having facials, using exfoliants and using acne products and even products containig glycolic acid but NOTHING seems to get rid of them!
I even completely changed my diet and cut out all bad food and I'm really healthy now but there has been no change.
I have actually noticed that my mac foundation makes this condition worse so i've also tried cutting down on my make up which helped a little but i can't go for too long without my make up!
This has lead me to believe that it might just be clogged up pores but if so they why hasn't my skincare regime helped?
I'm going to research comedonal acne, and something called millet seed acne to see if that's what i have.
Im also trying to research sebaceous hyperplasia as another user mentioned it.
Another possible condition this problem could potentially be is something called SYRINGOMA, it occurs usually after puberty in young adults (which is interesting considering that i never suffered from skin problems as a teen). I've posted a link with pics and info if anyone's interested:
Also, back to the cosmetics side of things, I've found that silicones which are found in cosmetics and moisturisers can actually block up pores REALLY bad and the worst thing is that many products which contain them actually claim to be non-comdogenic.
Silicones are ingredients usually ending with "cone" eg. DimethiCONE, cylclomethiCONE etc. Do some research as this could be a contributing factor.
I hope I have helped, if anyone else has more information about this horrible and bothersome skin condition then please reply