General Chanel Chat


Well-known member
Picked up the new LeBlanc spot corrector yesterday. It was not to be released until March. I like it, hopefully it will work.


Well-known member
Will probably be the Fall 2016. I love Chanel cream stick shadow. As for the Night and day spot corrector. I have found to GENTLY press the release button in a downward position onto my index finger. The day one is a cloudy clear (if that makes sense) the night one is more creamy and white. Then apply to your spot areas. I tried doing to the application using the tip on my face. Very awkward and product for me doesn't flow out. Since when applying to the face it is sort of a downward angle instead of straight down when placing product onto my finger tip. I have gone all out to fight the spots. Using the LeBlanc serum and moisturizer too. Oh, toner too. I will let you know in a month if it works. Previously I did this for a spot on my cheek bone. To this day it has never returned. My normal skin care line is Sublimage. But since I am really broke after the TF using up the samples of LeBlanc I have collected.


Well-known member
could't they find some nice classy lady from France? Why are they trying so hard in the American market? First Brad Pit now her...


Well-known member
I hope that they will teach her to not always look as if she pooped her pants.
That is certainly not some celebrity that will attract me to buy more Chanel. On the contrary....


Well-known member
Or not to look like she is on drugs


I just don't get that choice. Average Chanel customer barely even knows who she is.


Well-known member
Or not to look like she is on drugs


I just don't get that choice. Average Chanel customer barely even knows who she is.

Is this their attempt to grab the younger demographic like we've read about all the other companies trying?


Well-known member
She's been photographed for some time wearing Chanel clothing. I guess now they've moved on to the make-up. She wouldn't be my pick but it'll be interesting to see what they come up with.