What does toner do for your face?


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I am looking to find a new skin care routine for my face, and realized that I really don't know what toner does
Can someone enlighten me please?

Good question and I also realized that I just use a toner not fully understanding what it does. I actually read the Monsia Daily Protection Toner Lotion description and that is why my face feels "alive" after using the toner ---"As we age our skin's ability to produce Hyaluronic Acid declines causing dull, dehydrated skin and the formation of lines and wrinkles"


Well-known member
You cannot shrink pores bc your pore size is genetic so the claim a toner shrinks pores is false. Toners remove last traces of dirt/oil, balance ph levels and soften skin. I like the MAC Lightful softening toner. I use it in place of a lotion based moisturizer. Alcohol should not be in any skincare product. It strips skin of oil causing it in the long run to produce more oil. That goes for oily skin types too. Just bad, bad, BAD!!


Well-known member
The term "toner" has been used to describe a few different things. Be sure to read the ingredients on the packaging to be sure you're going to get the result you want. Alcohol-based "toners" for example are actually astringents. Alcohol dries out the skin and is generally used to reduce oil buildup. Traditional toners on the other hand are meant to hydrate and balance the skin. Be sure to consider your skin type when selecting a toner. What I love about our toner is that on top working like a traditional toner it has also Witch Hazel and Chamomile, ingredients which help reduce inflammation and blemishes. 
Witch Hazel irritates skin, causes inflammation and acne. Terrible for skin!!


Well-known member
And be weary of the
A lot of people say that toner is supposed to close your pores, but according to a lot of skincare experts there is no such thing as opening or closing pores.  I think toners used to work in order to balance the pH of your skin, and they can still work so if you use a really high pH cleanser. But generally (good) toners are now supposed to either hydrate your skin (for instance glycerin or hyaluranic acid toners) or exfoliate your skin (toners with AHAs or BHAs). There are also astringent toners with alcohol, often marketed towards oilier skins, but I'm personally not a fan of alcohol in my skincare. I'm currently using the MAC Lightful Softening Lotion, which is hydrating but I want to switch it up with an exfoliating/acidic toner. 
Love that MAC toner. Alcohol or grain alcohols like SD Alcohol/alcohol denat should never be in skincare. The idea you need to dry up oily skin or strip it is a terrible one bc in the long run it causes your oil glands to flare up and produce more oil and then more acne.


New User
Toners are one of the popular beauty products. It can be either applied as a cream or cleanser. The main intention of the toner is to rejuvenate the skin and to shrink the pores. Toners helps you maintains the proper pH balance for skin to remain healthy.

Uses of toner

1. To remove the remaining makeup and impurities that stay on the skin.
2. It acts as the refreshing element after a hot shower.
3. In case of hurry they use toner instead of washing face to remove dirt or oil residue on my face.
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Well-known member
Toners are one of the popular beauty products. It can be either applied as a cream or cleanser. The main intention of the toner is to rejuvenate the skin and to shrink the pores. Toners helps you maintains the proper pH balance for skin to remain healthy.

I didn't realize until I read your post that there are cream toners!

Uses of toner
1. To remove the remaining makeup and impurities that stay on the skin.
2. It acts as the refreshing element after a hot shower.
3. In case of hurry they use toner instead of washing face to remove dirt or oil residue on my face.

I use Monsia Skincare and I tend to apply my cream cleanser then tissue it off. If I have worn eye makeup that day I use jojoba oil on a cotton bud to gently remove any leftover eyeliner & mascara. I then tip some toner onto the cottonwool gently smoothing it all over my neck & face. If it shows any signs of residue I will repeat the whole process again until the cottonwool is clean. This is the only difference between our methods.


Active member
Great tips! I had no idea there were different types of toner. I'm going to look into adding on to my regimen since I now have oil-prone skin when I used to have dry skin.


From what i know, toner is to clean out your pores and treat acne without drying your skin. :)


Every toner i have used was drying my skin out, and i have tried more than 10 brands..


Which ones? They may've contained ethanol alcohols (e.g., SD alcohol, alcohol denat), which can dry out the skin.

Actually, they are.. I just checked, i still have some of them partly used, there's Loreal revitalift, Garnier essentials the green one..
I will try using some alcohol free, maybe my skin gets better :)


I think that toners restore the natural balance of my skin and also clear it out. I've read an article about toners on The Beauty Insiders and could afterwards understand better what they actually do for our skin.


I use Kueshi Revitalizing Toner. It hydrates and rebalances my skin and it´s great at restoring the skin's pH.
Frankly speaking, I am not much aware about benefits of toner. But what I know is that toner reduce the appearance of pores, from your face and works best on oily and acne prone skin.


It restores skin’s natural pH balance, this is important because the skin’s barrier, also known as the acid mantle, is responsible for keeping skin moisturized while blocking out germs and bacteria. In order for it to operate at peak performance, you have to make sure your skin’s pH balance is on the up and up.