MAC X Selena Quintanilla Collection (October 2016)


Well-known member
Thanks [MENTION=30965]mac[/MENTION] for tweeting the exact time that the collection would go live, so there can be a mad rush to the website. It's already loading very slowly......again.

They also sent their text on time too! Every other launch it's about an hour + after the collection launches. This is a shit show. I want to get DOY for my sis now then I see it's sold out, everything else was coming soon :rolleyes:

Macy's is when?



Well-known member
I am still in shock that this is launching on a Saturday. I decided that if I'm up then I would mosey on over to to see if I could get Dreaming of You. Well, when I went to the Selena page, all I get is the pictures, no names. I can't add anything. Even the other suggested items at the bottom aren't showing up. Just the name and price tags. I am now trying to login and am getting that dreaded Gateway Timeout after a long delay. UGH!!

I guess this is the only collection MAC has had in ions where there would be exceptionally high traffic and once again, they are ill-prepared.


Well-known member
This launch is an absolute mess! I have been up all night trying and nothing! So dissapointing. Im gonna try and stay positive but im pretty annoyed.


Well-known member
Ah, man. I'm sorry dear. And I am so sorry for those of you who have been up all night. :(

:( Its just really sad how badly this launch went. Im hoping a miracle happens. Everyones cranky and tired and we just want to get what we all signed a petition for and waited a year for.


Well-known member
When I first got in my cart there was $300 worth of product. I guess every time I added to bag it went through behind the scenes.