Got my lippies!
Executive realness is indeed GORGE! It looks even better than I thought it would.
Beautiful Stranger very nice mid-tone pink. Was really hoping it wouldn't be too light/cool but its perfect.
Forbidden Love PERFECT RED! MAC Ruby Woo dupe! So happy I got it to replace Elson, especially since I don't know how it twisted up inside my bag and was broke when I opened it.
Bronze lip balm is more shimmery than the pink balm but since its bronze its still doesn't look tacky and would look fantastic on dark/deep skin tones.
Guinevere is a dud and I was on the fence about it but kept looking at the video posted of the model and how good it looked on her even though we are not even close to the same skin tone. So I don't know what I was thinking, instead of the raspberry shade it turned brown and muddy on me.
Over all I'm happy with my choices and thankfully I only ended up with 1 dud out of 5.