Thanks Anita, I thought £12 was outrageous, but no options. Sorry, been a bit moany about money recently! But Morph has us very worried. His bowels are completely out of control, we got a hyperthyroidism diagnosis, so he'll be on that medication forever, but now we need to stop our house being permanently coated in poo, he's now on steroids as of yesterday, if they don't work we're out of options as I've no more cash for expensive treatments. It's massively sad, I love my baby boy. I'm furious with our vets, they did another extortionate blood test this week, completely unnecessary as they failed to check for anything except his protein levels, the same as they did the last twice they saw him, thought they were looking for cancer or bowel disease, soooo upset with them. We'd only gone in to get the steroids they suggested last time (at least they're cheap, he may be on those for life too). He's dropped from about 4kg to 2.3kg, got it up to 2.5 yesterday, hope that's a good sign...