CCO in New York City?


Well-known member
Does anyone know if there are any CCO's in New York City, not just in NY? I know they have some in NY in general, I think like Niagra Falls, etc, but I'd think that there'd be one in the city cause those are too far away. Do you know of any?


Well-known member
there use to be an Estee Lauder Company store in Rockefeller Center (kinda hidden away) not sure if its still there though ...
you can only get in if your company participates, its not open to the general public.

I now go to the one in Jersey City (one stop on the PATH from WTC to Exchange Place), but your company needs to participate however.

Right now they have all the Rushmetal piggies, Your Ladyship, had Sweet Sienna, even LARK ABOUT!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
there use to be an Estee Lauder Company store in Rockefeller Center (kinda hidden away) not sure if its still there though ...
you can only get in if your company participates, its not open to the general public.

I now go to the one in Jersey City (one stop on the PATH from WTC to Exchange Place), but your company needs to participate however.

Right now they have all the Rushmetal piggies, Your Ladyship, had Sweet Sienna, even LARK ABOUT!!!!

Where is the one in Jersey City? I am there everyday for the next month! Hehheeeeheeee......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
there use to be an Estee Lauder Company store in Rockefeller Center (kinda hidden away) not sure if its still there though ...
you can only get in if your company participates, its not open to the general public.

I now go to the one in Jersey City (one stop on the PATH from WTC to Exchange Place), but your company needs to participate however.

Right now they have all the Rushmetal piggies, Your Ladyship, had Sweet Sienna, even LARK ABOUT!!!!

What do you mean by "if your company participates?"


Active member
Originally Posted by natalie647
What do you mean by "if your company participates?"

I think she is talking about the special CCO for industry members. Someone else was talking about it. I think its near the Newport Mall

I really want to find a CCO in NJ..I was going to call Jersey Garden's Sak Off 5th and see if they have anything


Well-known member
not sure how it works really, but often they ask you for the company name, and ID card as well.

Its not a regular outlet open to the general public. Maybe others would know more


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cutiebe2
I think she is talking about the special CCO for industry members. Someone else was talking about it. I think its near the Newport Mall

I really want to find a CCO in NJ..I was going to call Jersey Garden's Sak Off 5th and see if they have anything

yes its near the Newport Mall. You can take the light rail to Harborside Financial Center, get off and walk into the buildiing right across the street. There's a few stores in there and the CCO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cutiebe2
I think she is talking about the special CCO for industry members. Someone else was talking about it. I think its near the Newport Mall

I really want to find a CCO in NJ..I was going to call Jersey Garden's Sak Off 5th and see if they have anything



Well-known member
Did you get a chance to see if there was anything at the Saks Off 5th? I wish there was a CCO in Jersey as well...


Ok, so with this mysterious JC CCO, what exactly qualifies acceptance? I work as a MA at a Lauder brand counter, is this enough to get me in and get me some cheap MAC?


Well-known member
Right now they have all the Rushmetal piggies, Your Ladyship, had Sweet Sienna, even LARK ABOUT!!!!
This is the one I just went to in Manhattan, The Company Store, our company participates. I've been here nearly 8 years and been there twice! The first time was last summer! *smh*

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