Do you look forward to getting up in the morning just to play with your makeup?


Well-known member
all i have to say is.. I AM SO GLAD I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE!


Well-known member
Like everyone else, makeup time is "me" time. I hate getting up and getting ready for wherever I have to be, but I do love to put on my face. And if I have something new to play with, I'm so excited to use it the next day it's ridiculous.


Well-known member
I am always excited every morning about playing with my makeup. It is the time that I can relax and enjoy myself. I always plan on what makeup I am going to wear the next day. It is especially fun when you have new stuff to try out or you are using a colour that you haven't used in along time.

Lately, I won't use the colours that I regularly use. I want to try and do different looks and use the e/s and pigments that I normally don't reach for.

I hate taking my MU off at night especially when I do a look that I LOVE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shortygal201
I don't often look forward to getting up in the morning, but picking out my m/u makes me giddy
It's fun deciding what I want to use.

Me, too!! I actually look forward to putting on makeup after working out because the mirror and lighting at my gym are fantastic!


Well-known member
I never have the time! I wish I did but I am too lazy to get up even earlier and something always goes wrong when I get up of a morning anyway. If I'm not playing hide and seek with one of the kittens (one of them hates being put out in the morning), I'm getting this one annoying wasp flying into my attic room, I'm deathly afraid of them and the kittens are trying to bloody eat it! Its just the one but its not the same one as my boyfriend and my mum already killed two! Theres no nest as I got my mum to check. Big bastards they are too

I put my make up on when I get to the office
It's just the prep and prime spf50 and a lipgloss slapped on before I leave now. I'm just a clutz when I rush anyway.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I agree with everyone else. I actually think of what makeup I'll be wearing as I drift off to sleep, so sometimes I even dream of the look I'll be doing the next day while I'm sleeping...yeah, I know, I'm weird!!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member

Yoooouuuu are not alooooooooooone. I am here with yooooooooooouuuu.


I am an addict to the core. I'm always thinking of looks or just different techniques to try. I have to buy something new every few days or I feel with drawls or something...


Well-known member
lol thats so funny because I plan out my makeup everynight before bed and sometimes stay up thinking about it!! and i always base my outfit on the makeup, not the other way around.

Oh yeah I'm the same, though most of the time my MU is pretty basic because I don't have much time in the morning.


Well-known member
Yes i do too. Sometimes when im at home doing nothing, il just play around with my eyeshadows trying to find good combos. After doing one look, il remove my make-up and try another - Repeat process.


Well-known member
I am totaly not a morning person but I get up earlier than I need to for work just so I can have the fun of putting on my make up with out being totaly rushed. My husband thinks I am nuts! lol. Sometimes, just before I take my make up off at night I will pull out my eye shadows and just have some fun trying new looks, then, if I screw it up I am just going to take it off anyway. I love, love, love playing with my make up!


Well-known member
I do!!! I love to plot out what i'm going to use the next day, mainly because i'm not a morning person so i usually prep everything the night before. But, I like to match my makeup to the color clothing that I am wearing that day (if possible), and I try to use different things every day -- BUT i do tend to get stuck on products that i really like


Well-known member
Yeah, I really look forward getting my makeup on! Usually I plan out my makeup before going to bed (or even in the bed, lol
), but mornings I often change my mind and do something else.


Well-known member
Hee ha ha, dry erase board. I love you all. Yes, I get up in the morning because I'm thinking about one thing.


Well-known member
Sure do, especially eye makeup! I also plan it out at night because in the morning I'm usually still halfway asleep until I'm nearly out the door and it's all I can do to get some color on let alone plan out what goes where.