Do you look forward to getting up in the morning just to play with your makeup?


Well-known member
Here's my existential spin on this topic...
I have always been jealous/envious/awe-struck by monks and other highly evolved folks who can meditate. Now, while I fully appreciate the discipline it takes to be able meditate, I lack it thoroughly. I start out great and then I start thinking of how much I'd like a cinnamon bun or why Pam Anderson ever married Kid Rock...For years I have felt guilt about this shortcoming in my psyche. HOWEVER, recently I have had some majorly gut-wrenching events occur in quick succession over the last 18 months which truly shook me to my very core. (I have said this before here, but I think it deserves repeating.)
I gave up on my life and myself, I literally did not leave my bed from the beginning of February until mid-April of this year. One day I had this idea to pull out my makeup (which had been all but abandoned during the turmoil). I decided to just put some on, just for old times' sake. (I grew up morbidly obese and during my teen years, when I dropped out of high school, would sit in my room on Friday and Saturday nights and play in my makeup. I have since had a gastric bypass, and lost 193 lbs.) So I sat up in my bed and let all the other shiznit of life fade and I put MAC to therapeutic use.
I did not consciously know it at the time but I think it is an indisputable fact that Instant Gold Lustreglass and depression repel each other like magnets with the same polarity. After a week or so of usage, IG (and her faithful complimentary products in the MAC army) had me feeling alive enough to leave my house.
It is August now, and I have put makeup on nearly everyday since (this is very rare for my fickle personality). So how does meditation/depression resuscitation relate to waking in the morning with the enthusiam of a puppy to put on makeup? Well, I get up an hour early to do my makeup everyday. During that hour, I let everything go. I do not think about money, or work, or that lovely gentleman who ripped out my heart, or even Pam and her men. From what I have read about meditation, this state I find myself in during my morning makeup application is eerily similar to the description of how it feels when one is in a meditative state. I am convinced it is one in the same. I feel more at peace and more enthusiastic throughout my day. I have shared this epiphany with some co-workers, friends, and family with varying responses of bewilderment and comments about how only a blonde would equate makeup with monk-like pursuits. I laugh with them because I know what I have never understood before--I define spirit, truth, and personality for me and me alone. Just because I prefer my spiritual practice dunked in Reflects Transparent Teal Glitter, does not mean I am shallow or even unenlightened. In fact, if I am remembering correctly the Dalai Lama himself once suggested that a great state of being requires one to have a transparent self. So HA! I busted out my Dalai Lama defense, laugh at THAT, doubters/haters/un-MACminded critics!
arty2 :

**I must make a slight confession, seeing as this post is spiritual in content. I do occasionally think of cinnamon buns while doing my makeup...I guess some things will never change!**


Well-known member
Uhh! I was JUST talking about how I miss that exciting feeling of doing my makeup (in the Shop Your Stash thread). Seriously, I can't believe I've gotten so lazy about it! I really miss putting makeup on everyday, and usually I didn't feel like "doin' my face up" just to go to class...but I'm a college graduate now so there's NO excuse! I have plenty of time to do my makeup now w/out having to rush or be late to class =) Oh and if anyone is looking for some new eyeshadow combos I HIGHLY recommend this site: there must be a million different combos using shadows, pigments, etc. HTH!


Well-known member
^^^^That website is rocking my world!!!! I was just wishing I could find a list of color descriptions for all the shadows because I am trying to collect all the blue/green/teal/turquoise eyeshadows MAC has made....



Well-known member
I am so annoyed, because I went on a trip to the states where I bought all this lovely makeup, and now I have this allergic reaction to some cream or other so my right eyelid is red and dry - ergo, no eyeshadow until it's better!
I was so looking forward to playing with all my new colours, and now all I can wear is foundation, blush and mascara.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz

I'm so addicted, I'll sometimes do my makeup even when I don't plan on leaving the house!

Oh man! haha same here. The fam asks me where I'm going cuz I'll randomly have makeup on. HAHA


Well-known member
I feel that way as well. I can't wait to try new makeup combos. I love it even more when I buy something new and I wake up the next day just dying to try it out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by preciouscharm
Oh man! haha same here. The fam asks me where I'm going cuz I'll randomly have makeup on. HAHA

and is it just ME or does anyone else feel like their makeup looks HELLA BOMBTASTIC when you have nothing to do or you're too broke to go anywhere? I hate that! I guess it's because you can actually take your time and eff around with your makeup and it just comes out looking wayyyyy better than when your on a schedule or pressed for time. :-\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by perfectdefect
I feel that way as well. I can't wait to try new makeup combos. I love it even more when I buy something new and I wake up the next day just dying to try it out.

Girrrrrrl, you have patience! I usually slap the shit on as SOON as I get home! I can't even wait for the next morning to try it out, lol.


Well-known member
But don't you just HATE it when an idea comes to you JUST as you're falling're all warm and snuggly in your bed and you HAVE to get up to try that idea that won't go away!? Just a few months ago I had to get out of bed to try (sigh): Ricepaper highlight, Soft Brown in the crease, Rule all over the lid and Sketch in the outer V, over my Bare Study p/p. I COULD NOT SLEEP until I tried it out. I wear it frequently now
LOL No need to be's part of the addiction. Say it with me..."I am powerless over my addiction..."
omg i am alwwaayyss thinking about the makeup im going to wear the next day..and i definetly lay in bed thinking about it hahaha omg im sucha loser! hahahah


Well-known member
i defiently plan out and i'm excited about what new look i'm going to try out.
I work in a club so i'm lucky(eyelashes,glitter,the works).a few years ago i worked in retail and it was conservative(the boss told me when i wore electic eel to tone it down,and i had to hide tatts)
so i can look any way i want which is great.I'ts fun and i look forward to work because of this.


Well-known member
I lay in bed and think up color combos and shapes and stuff like that. I dont wear it every day because I do daycare, and quite frankly the children dont care. I can keep myself awake though thinking about how I want to do my makeup. Or I'll just go and sit and touch everything when I get bored. Some nights I'll do it before I go to bed, and my hubby is like what are you doing that for and I tell him it relaxes me, lol.


Well-known member
hahaha Makeup Geek I totally understand wat u mean! My biggest problem is that waking up in the morning and not knowing wat colours to use and if I choose a certain colour, wat other colour pairs up with it! know wat I'm saying? Makeup Geek I see ur tutorials on youtube, love ur tutorials!

Originally Posted by mreichert
I'm so embarrassed and don't tell any of my friends (except you guys)
But, I seriously look forward to getting up in the morning so I can come up with a different look with my makeup.

I'm. so. addicted. it's. pathetic.



Well-known member
i love this thread. i feel this way too! i keep myself up at night planning my makeup for the next day! Im so glad to have all you girls who feel the same!!


Well-known member
I wish I could get up every morning and enjoy putting on my makeup but unfortunately, I wake up too late and my makeup application takes place in my car at traffic lights!!


Well-known member
evernight when i lay out my ensemble for the next day, i take out all the makeup and brushes I will use the next day. i think of it on the commute home from work. such a geek! lol but its so worth it


Well-known member
heck yes!

Sure do, especially eye makeup! I also plan it out at night because in the morning I'm usually still halfway asleep until I'm nearly out the door and it's all I can do to get some color on let alone plan out what goes where.