Recent content by freyja313

  1. freyja313

    Lashes being discontinued - 22, 23, 24, 25 & all brown lashes

    Hey all! I have it on good authority that the following lashes are being discontinued: All brown lashes 22 23 24 25 Stock up if any of these are faves of yours!
  2. freyja313

    "Reverse" MAC MA Snobbery

    I realized on Friday night that I'm guilty of this. I found two awesome MA's at my local Nordstrom counter, both of whom relo'd to our freestanding store that just opened. Stopped by on Friday night to visit/shop with one of them and realized that I won't give any of the other MAs the time of...
  3. freyja313

    University Village/Seattle Opening - Anyone Go?

    Did anyone go to the UVillage opening today? Fill us in! I'll be heading in next Friday for a looksee. :cartwheel:
  4. freyja313

    Western Washingtonians: GUESS WHAT WE'RE GETTING!

    A freestanding (not Pro) store in University Village! Rumor is it's supposed to open in November so get your plastic ready for some hot holiday shopping!
  5. freyja313

    Centered thread titles?

    Just curious - was this changed intentionally or did I break something and it's showing up that way just on my PC? Or maybe it's like that for everyone and I'm the only one who's bothered by it? I normally don't whine about stuff like this but it's really hard to scan the forums with the thread...
  6. freyja313

    Has anyone been to an event like this before?

    Last night I went to an event at the Bellevue Square Nordstrom (Bellevue, WA). It was similar to the other seminars they've had but this one was hands on instead of watch/listen/pass stuff around/take mad notes. There were five of us at a table with a MA from the counter and the regional...