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  1. ashk36

    Do you use primer before your minerals?

    I love the mineral foundation I use, the color is perfect and so is the coverage. Only problem is after a few hours, it kinda sits on top of my skin, and I get all oily. I don't currently use a primer, I'm kind of scared of having a bad reaction to one and breaking out since my skin does have...
  2. ashk36

    My brother's problems are literally making me sick

    I'll try and keep this as short as possible, because I could rant all day on the subject. We'll call my brother John. John is in a relationship with a girl we'll call Sara. They have a 5 year old daughter we'll call Alex. So, John and Sara weren't a couple when Sara got pregnant with Alex, they...
  3. ashk36

    How do you deal with anxiety?

    I never used to have any anxiety problems, and I honestly can't pinpoint what started it in the first place. I was having bad panic attacks earlier last year, to the point where I'd feel like I needed to go to the hospital. I didn't because eventually I'd chill out, but man is it a scary...
  4. ashk36

    So I got my first chemical peel today...

    Not bad! The esthetician wanted to start me out with a lactic peel since it's not as harsh as a glycolic peel, so that's what we did. She first cleansed my face with a super nice smelling minty tingly face wash (apparently the owner of this spa is a chemist and created his own line of skincare...
  5. ashk36


    So I've been reading a lot about Dermalogica's products, and I'm wondering where are the best places to find them? I found a bit online, and I know of a spa in my area that sells their products, but I have no doubt that they'll be overpriced as all hell. So where do you guys get yours? If...
  6. ashk36

    Mineral makeup looks great on me...until I apply blush. Advice?

    I love my Coastal Scents mineral foundation. The color is a perfect match, so I use it as a concealer for my little red marks/old pimple scars, too. As great as my face looks by the time I'm done with the foundation and concealing yucky spots, once I apply blush, all those little red marks that...
  7. ashk36

    Valentine's Day Plans?

    So, what's everyone got planned for v-day with your significant other? Any special surprises or gifts for your honey? I'm gonna give him his gift tomorrow since it's my day off. I'll get out shopping early, find a sexy little something to wear for him, clean up the apartment, and make some...
  8. ashk36

    My hands are literally cracking and bleeding...HELP!

    I work in my mom's dog grooming shop and I wash and hand dry at least 12 dogs a day. Every winter my hands are WRECKED! I couldn't even finish every dog today because they hurt so bad. Getting shampoo in the cracks doesn't feel so great. What is the absolute BEST moisturizer/lotion/whatever for...
  9. ashk36

    Save Marley...Fellow dog lovers please read!

    So I was on craigslist last night and came across a post with this website in it... Save Marley - Home Apparently, this woman gave her dog a ham bone on Christmas and a piece of it splintered off, dog swallowed it, and now her owner, who was laid off in November, has some pretty big vet bills...
  10. ashk36

    Black & Blue...first FOTD (actually, FOTN)

    I got my coastal scents palettes yesterday so I definitely had to play with them! Never done a face of the day before, but it looks like fun! Here's my first attempt... Face: I think it was L'oreal Double Wear foundation in skin was a bit dry so I didn't want to use my usual MMU...
  11. ashk36

    Newbie from South Carolina

    Hi! My name's Ash, I'm from West Columbia, SC. I'm so glad to have found this board, I've only looked through very few threads and I've already gotten some great tips. I'm not a MAC collector like some of you. The prices scare the bujeezus outta me!! I work with what I have and what I can...