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  1. Chikky

    Anyone who knows someone with depression...

    I need advice. Short story is: My only/best friend (kinda more than friends, though that in itself is a LONG story. We've cooled off since a big blowup in October) has come out to me that he suffers from depression. I had thought as much for a long time, but it wasn't really my place to ask or...
  2. Chikky

    Monk (this is driving me nuts!)

    Does anyone else remember that when the Monk pilot originally aired, it had a completely different theme song than the rest of the season? It has since been replaced and all 'original' searches bring up the one by Jeff Beal. But I could swear there was another one before that, shown only once...
  3. Chikky

    I need recipe suggestions, please.

    If anyone has any yummy recipes for low fat/ or sugar cupcakes, cakes or mini-cakes, that'd be super! I'm looking for some yummy alternatives to make! I've tried online at some sites, but I'm looking for some that have been tried and get opinions from people who've made them. Thanks!
  4. Chikky

    The Mentalist

    I adored this show last season. Does anyone else watch this show? And, most importantly, does ANYone else think that the show has changed drastically? I feel like they have done so much to the characters; prettied up Lisbon, not in a good way (this is a common reaction to her this season. It's...
  5. Chikky

    Waxing/ Shaving 'down there' question

    I've a quick question that I didnt see the answer to in the Bikini/Brazilian thread. Firstly, I love to have the bikini area waxed more than other removal methods; I don't even think it hurts. I like the way it's so smooth and you can't see the hairs once it's done. Mostly because I'm super...
  6. Chikky

    While I was away...

    I saw that a few days or so ago (not the video, just the emails). I'd say he dodged a bullet there. Why can't people just listen, or ask other people first, before flipping out? so annoying. She got what she deserved.
  7. Chikky

    Looking for nail color dupe

    Hey all, I'm looking for a dupe of OPI's Tickets to Paradise. Anyone know of any similar shades? Or, where to get the discontinued Tickets to Paradise (aside from eBay). Any help would be great. I fell in love with this color!! Thanks in advance!!
  8. Chikky

    When will I ever find time to exercise??

    I'm at a loss here, girls. I need to lose some weight. I don't eat alot, nor do I eat unhealthily (due to a condition I have where my stomach muscles are paralyzed and other medical things where I MUST eat healthy). But I do have to sit all day at work, so I've gained a bit. Here's my...
  9. Chikky

    Seasonique Question (Users?)

    Ok, so I've been on Seasonique for about two and a half years now. As mentioned before, I take it continually; meaning no periods ever. This is per doctor's orders because of a few medical issues. What I want to know is this: If you've taken it, how have the emotional and sexual effects been...
  10. Chikky

    I just can't do it.

    So, my guy has been away for over a week for vacation and work, so this weekend was the first time I've seen him. We hung out Friday night, and Saturday we did all this stuff I like to do and ate where I wanted to eat. All great, right? Then, he starts getting ill. Feeling badly. Fever...
  11. Chikky

    Stuck in a rut.

    Funny how I come here for so much advice. But I know it will be intelligent and well thought out. Here we go: I'm turning 30 this year. While the number doesn't outright bother me, I think it sort of does, in a weird sense. I'm beginning to see all the things I have not done that people 5, 6...
  12. Chikky

    House 4/6/09

    Did anyone else watch this? SPOILERS AHEAD Holy crap! I never saw that coming, not did I even hear anything about it (online or otherwise). I had a horrible Sunday, then settled in to watch House and BAM. Kutner kills himself. He was my favorite "new" team member. I understand how...
  13. Chikky

    Work Raaaaant (read at own risk)

    Really, I don't know why I try anymore. I've been at my job for 4 years now. I'm GOOD at my job. Most days it doesn't bother me. Some days it does. No one knows I am there. Literally. Someone sat in the desk next to me for two hours before realizing I was there and working. A manager came in...
  14. Chikky

    MAC shipment question - Hazardous Materials

    So, I just got in some things I ordered. Fluidline, lipstick, eyeshadows... And on the box it has 'hazardous materials, shipping materials' on the little plastic bag that has the receipt in it ( I think). What is that? o_O
  15. Chikky

    Opinions needed (I promise, it's short!)

    So, when he goes out of town for work (like he is right now) even for just a night or two, he'll say to me before he leaves: 'You can nest in my bed, if you want'. Then he'll ask (as he did tonight) if I was there. Um, why? I mean, why keep bringing up that I can use his house? Am I dumb and...
  16. Chikky

    How to phrase this...

    Heh, I so suck as a girl... That's why I need to come here my girls' advice! I really stink at making my displeasure unknown, first of all. I always mostly feel like I'm overreacting. That being mentioned, for really no reason... Years ago, C would call or text me to make sure I got home...
  17. Chikky

    Doing it and doing it and doing it well... (opinions? experiences?)

    Ok, I have NO idea why that song came into my head, but it did. Here's my issue: I love my guy. Really, I do (though he drives me crazy sometimes, but don't they all?). We started having intercourse in October, and while I want to do it with him... I just don't know how I feel about it...
  18. Chikky

    Did I handle this correctly...? Help.

    Here's the short story: All this last semester, when I was in school, every Tuesday my guy and I would meet at his house, he'd either buy my or make me dinner, and we'd watch House, The Mentalist, and The Shield. Thursdays were the same: I'd get off work, we'd get dinner, and watch CSI. Every...
  19. Chikky

    When phobia gets in way of life

    I know I've written before about my emetophobia. This is the fear of ... well, being physically ill. I know it's bad, how bad I have it. It's every day, my fear. But that's not what I'm writing about. I'm sad, because my SO is sick now... We went to a concert yesterday and on the way he...
  20. Chikky

    I need a hug (lady things)

    Really, I'm mostly typing to distract myself, heh. I'm sitting here, crying because I am having such bad cramps. I've mentioned before that I suffer from endometriosis, tilted uterus, and ovarian cysts (among other things non-gyno related). I'm actually on the pill constantly, skipping the...