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  1. Hawkeye

    POLL: Top 20 Favorite TV Shows of ALL TIME?

    Well I was inspired by watching Designing women tonight and Julia Sugarbaker was on one of her rampages and then Suzanne said something so totally out there I was laughing so hard I had to hold on to my chair. There have been some good comedies and dramas in the years to pass and I have to...
  2. Hawkeye

    POLL: Top 20 Favorite TV Shows of ALL TIME?

    Well I was inspired by watching Designing women tonight and Julia Sugarbaker was on one of her rampages and then Suzanne said something so totally out there I was laughing so hard I had to hold on to my chair. There have been some good comedies and dramas in the years to pass and I have to...
  3. Hawkeye

    Amish Community

    OK I gotta say that I was devistated when the shootings happened in a small little Amish school house. I couldn't help but think about those poor children and that poor community. It devistated me. That's a new low. I mean I guess it is because the Amish are (in my mind) still a very pure...
  4. Hawkeye

    Mark Foley

    Unless you have lived under a rock-you probably know what happened. If not here's a run down: He had "innappropriete" conversations with pages in a sexually explicit manner. I have to say I am outraged. Why? 1) Because top republicans said they had no clue this was going on. Same with...
  5. Hawkeye


    Anyone else having trouble sleeping lately? Or if they dont have they been sleeping to the extent I have? I mean I wake up do something for an hour go back to sleep wake up 4 hours later do something for 30 minutes go back to sleep. Im usually never this exhausted but lately it's been all i...
  6. Hawkeye

    What goes around comes around-yo (do you have any stories similar?)

    OK well everyone on here knows by now I'm terrified of people. A couple of weeks ago, my friend and I were at Nordstrom. She got on the escalator and these horrible little bitches jump in front of me. They were being all snarky and everything and one of them drops a $20. She didn't seem to...
  7. Hawkeye

    Tax Codes-YAY! Currency changing every 5 yrs?

    OK now you all know I am an advocate of the fairtax. Well My hero Neil Boortz (only because he advocates the fairtax as well) flew up to Washington DC and talked to Senate Subcommittee of Federal Financial Management. He was invited by Tom Coburn (R-OK) who is a senate sponser of the Fair tax...
  8. Hawkeye

    Which Bumper Sticker do you want?

  9. Hawkeye

    Funniest Law Ever-Did you know that BOB's are illegal r.o

    in the state of GA? Yes, if a woman wants a sex toy and owns a sex toy and should some police officer for some reason decide they want to investigate the house and they find a sex toy, they have grounds to arrest that woman. Strange but true and very very sad. Anyone else have one of...
  10. Hawkeye

    Abduction Attempt

    HOLY Crap. I came out of school today at about 15 til 1. 12:45 went to my car near the University place about 5 til 1 (12:55) and saw this car speeding away. Well I thought it was just some dumbass student who likes to speed because they are a dumbass. Didn't think anything of it. Come...
  11. Hawkeye

    Anyone hear about this? Teacher takes kids to Museum then gets fired

    OK someone in TX (Shimmer?) hopefully knows this story... But this art teacher in Texas decided to take some kids on a fieldtrip to a high art museum. This teacher has been teaching art for 28 years. A kid happens to glace around and in the corner or another room she happens to see a piece...
  12. Hawkeye

    POLL: Who do you admire?

    SOmeone you know: Someone You don't know: Why? Yes you can have many.
  13. Hawkeye

    I got bit by a mouse! EEK

    Well its a funny story, (DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME PLEASE-LET THE STUPID PEOPLE LIKE ME DO THIS FIRST TO SEE IF THEY GET HURT LOL) I have a cat that likes to catch animals. He's really a kitten. And he's a sweetie but he caught this little mouse. Well I ran over and chased Tiger (the cat) away from...
  14. Hawkeye

    No Tv No Beer Make Youbeabitch Go Crazy

    Frustraition runs rampet yet again I never considered myself this insane but Im so frustraited with school. I mean so many thing just make me want to hit people upside the head. Where do I begin? First I go to school looking for an ACCT tutor. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing in...
  15. Hawkeye

    POLL Your favorite:

    Time of the day? Time of the year? Drink? Alcoholic drink? Cookie? Candy? Makeup line? Makeup item? Nail polish color? Lipgloss color? Hair style? Shoes? Desert?
  16. Hawkeye

    I just have one thing to say to you girls.

    FALL IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!! It 'tis my favorite time of year. I LOVE WATCHING THE LEAVES CHANGE I LOVE THE AIR I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT FALL Now I *KNOW* I'm not the only one here who loves fall. Anyone else here love it? If so what do you love about it? My favorite thing to do this...
  17. Hawkeye

    Tongue in Cheek Poll: Everything I learned I learned from.......

    King Of the Hill (TV Show) Some Morals: Cook with Propane Propane is C3H8 BTU stands for British Thermal Unit Never trust a guy wearing a beret Your Lawn says the most about you When life gives you hell drink a beer Watch out for Pyramids (Or you'll end up like Peggy) Watch out for places like...
  18. Hawkeye


    I just wanted everyones thoughts on this song. I heard the other day and at first I had to personally say it was horrific. Then it kept coming back around the song the tune etc and the more I thought about it the more I realized how in our own little way-we do this often. It was probably a...
  19. Hawkeye

    9/11/01-The Day I'll never forget

    **To honor, charish and remember those of the 9/11 attacks** Where were you on this september day? I'll never forget where I was. I was in math class at the other college and came out where I was greeted by a friend who said, " Did you hear the news?" I was like what the hell? She drug me...
  20. Hawkeye

    Water, Air, Earth, Fire

    Heh. I was bored again. I should be studying. But I always get distracted. Anyway here we go: One I tried to make look like a waterfall, instead it looks like a jellyfish. Another I tried to make like water running over rocks. Heh. It's so much easier on a piece of canvas.