Search results

  1. chocolategoddes

    NYC Mineral Makeup

    Oh really? Official NYC website I've seen ads where NYC compares their product to higher quality brands. They now have a new line of mineral makeup that they're pimping out. NYC even compares their mineral foundation to BE. Now, after using two or three different NYC products, I was...
  2. chocolategoddes

    And I was like, " WTF?!"

    What was one of your weirdest, funniest, most outragreous WHAT THE FRICK moments? I ask not only becaue I'm interested and I'm sure it will be entertaining, but I had one just this morning. I was coming downstairs, about ready to go to school, and I wanted to quickly get something to eat...
  3. chocolategoddes


    I don't know if we already have this but: You know how high school yearbooks have those superlatives like: Best Dressed or Class Clown? Wouldn't it be cool to have an annual Specktra makeup related superlative. We can nominate some one for different catergories like: best eyeshadow blender or...
  4. chocolategoddes

    My Mom Doesn't "Like" Me...

    It's pretty obvious that my mom does't like me as a person. Sure, she loves me because I'm her child, but I always feel like she wishes I had a different personality. I'm very laid-back, liberal, and humorous in ways that my mom finds distasteful. She wants be to be bubbly, girly, and more...
  5. chocolategoddes

    so... I did my dad's makeup! must see

    My dad is pretty awesome for letting me do this to him. I know this isn't AMAZING drag makeup. I did it just to get a feel for working on other faces so it is a bit sloppy and it's not a complete application of makeup. But, hey it was fun. My mom had a good laugh. Cheeks MAC Ambering Rose NYX...
  6. chocolategoddes

    Lipcolor for the Chapstick Lover

    I've NEVER been a lipstick/gloss/ color kind of person. I really don't like the way it feels and I'm not used to seeing my self with colored lips. I don't even like lipgloss because my lips are huge and I feel it brings too much attention to them. And it's sticky. What lip products do you...
  7. chocolategoddes

    Lollipops of the Beach!

    Stupid title huh? But the looks aren't stupid!!!! Or maybe they are. You be the judge. Pink Green (like a lollie): Fyrinnae Gorgeous Devil Fyrinnae Black Plum MAC Humid L'Oreal Raven Blue and gold (like a beach! sand and water. eh!) MAC Flashtrack Milani gold shade Lancome Vue HIP blue shade...
  8. chocolategoddes

    Shopping for MAc outfits.

    I hope this is the right place to post this and that there isn't another thread like this already. If there is could you give me a link? So, If you were given $500 to shop for basic clothes for working at MAC, what staples would you get. Obviously, they'd all be black. ex. black ballet flats...
  9. chocolategoddes

    Smokey and Green Y'know!

    I never do smokey eyes and I never do greens. But just for you, yes, only you, I did both of those. Obviously I only did my eyes because I wasn't leaving the house like that! Smokey HIP cream eyeliner black Milani Storm Maybelline ExpertWear Eyeliner Ebony Black HIP eyeshadow duo (brown)...
  10. chocolategoddes

    Copper-Olive-Blue? Hell Yeah!

    I used a base today! Face Studio Fix NC50 MAC Sheertone Shimmer Blush Ambering Rose Eyes MAC Antiqued MAC Flashtrack MAC Sable Milani Earthly Delight Quad Olive Green Wet n Wild random pearly white shade L'Oreal Raven Maybelline Great Lash Mascara Lips Nothin' but Chapstick...
  11. chocolategoddes

    Comparing Skin Tones

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this and this thread is more of a "survey". But would anyone be interested in a thread where we post pictures of ourselves to see what for example an NW15 looks like compared to an NC45. or is there already an exsisting thread? I personally think...
  12. chocolategoddes

    My attempt at Gold AND Purple

    [font=Book Antiqua]I did a gold and purple EOTD. I didn't use a base/ primer so the colors aren't as vibrant as I would have liked. And please, as I have always said I NEED some CC please. FONT] I Used: MAC Nocturnelle MAC Stars ' Rockets Milani Earthly Delights Gold and White Yellow Milani...
  13. chocolategoddes

    This Took Me 4 mins and 36 secs!

    This is a very simple look. Maybe too simple to post on Specktra. But I already uploaded the pictures so WHY NOT??? Face: IMAN in CLay 5 Random Coral/Pink Cream Blush Eyes: Maybelline ExpertWear EyeLiner EbonyBlack Neutrogena Shimmer Sheers Mystified Maybelline Great Lash Black Lips...
  14. chocolategoddes

    Grey-Gold-Kinda Pinkish-Shimmery-Look

    I feel like I should have added false lashes or something. Maybe highlighter. I dunno. CC and comments please, with a cherry on top with sprinkles! Face MAC NC50 studio fix Mary Kay Bromnie lip color (for cheeks) Lips Milani Edulging l/g Mary Kay Brownie l/g Eyes Milani (gold from Earthly...
  15. chocolategoddes

    Is This Realistic???

    I'm 16 years old and I know I can't get a job at MAC now but I definitely want to work there during college. So this is my plan: I'll work on my skill now, take pics of my work on other people as a portfolio, get jobs in other retail stores, and when I'm ready I walk into MAC (lookin' good of...
  16. chocolategoddes

    " Actually, this is an intervention"

    I hope I spelled intervention right. I wouldn't be surprised if this is already an existing thread but has anyone ever been confronted for their makeup addiction? I bring it up because my mom just did. She walked in on me looking at all these FOTDs and she noticed how almost ALL of my visited...
  17. chocolategoddes

    Multi-Purpose Use for Bad Blush???

    I'm an NC50 and I just bought a DREAM MATTE MOUSSE in SOFT PLUM. When I got home to try it it looked so pasty and white on my skin with big chunks of glitter. I was disgusted and dissapointed. I really don't want to throw it out because I spent like 5 dollars on it and it's still full. but I...
  18. chocolategoddes

    Black Radiance???

    While flipping through an issue of Seventeen Magazine I stopped to see that one of the models was wearing a few products from a drugstore line called Black Radiance. I assumed that because of the name and the fact that it was worn by a deeper skinned girl that it was a line marketed to black...
  19. chocolategoddes

    Omigawd, He's totally checking you OUT!

    Do you girls (and boys) ever notice when someone is checking you out. Apparently, guys are looking at me all the time and I never notice. Even my mom tells me " Oh, that boy was lookin' at your ass!" And last saturday, my friends all huddled into me and were giggling saying, " Oooh Kensie, that...
  20. chocolategoddes

    I'm Confused About these Give Aways

    I don't know where to post this so feel free to move it but I'm TOTALLY confused on how on earth to enter these contests. I've read evveything I could over and over. Apparently there is an email adress of some sort to enter. I really would like to! So can some one just give me the details. And...