Search results

  1. chrisantiss

    Fotd 16.2.

    Base: UDPP PL Whitney, Odbo Pal., TKB Sparkle Rose, Leishi 88, CS Silk Mixa, LUM Toffee, Liner: PL Cobalt Blush: SOU Nude Sunkiss Lips: Basic Face. Chris MF&Finisher
  2. chrisantiss

    Fotd 15.2.

    Base. TF Insurance Lancome Pal., Fyr Underdark, PL Turquoise Aura, Fyr Vodka, Liner PL Vert Blush: TMM Mojave Lips: Ch. Kaufmann Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  3. chrisantiss

    Fotd 11.2.

    Base: TF Insurance Lucia Fun Pal., ATY Lacuna, TMM Dynamite, Odbo Pal, Liner PL Cobalt Blush: Chris Blush 2 Lips. Manhattan Gloss Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  4. chrisantiss

    Fotd 10.2.

    Base: TF Insurance P2 Magic Moon, BFM Tease, Mac p/g Sky Blue, PL Blue Aura, ATY Poison, VOV Pal., Fyr Tabloid Blush: Meow Peddle Pink Lips. Catr. Oriental Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  5. chrisantiss

    Fotd 9.2.

    Base: TF Insurance PH Aubergine, TMM Chalk, Mac White Gold, ATY Unseelie Court, ATY Red Death, Liner AL Blackangel, Kate Pal. Blush: BFM Vivid Vivian Lips: Suhada Bordeaux Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  6. chrisantiss

    Fotd 8.2.

    Base: TF Insurance Essence Disco Diva, AL Fume, PL Tahiti, Fyr Embreece, Leishi 43, Fyr Bastet, BB Sandwash, AL Brianna Blush: LUM Hibiscus Lips. J. Alexander Pal. Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  7. chrisantiss

    Fotd 7.2.

    Base: UDPP Odbo Palette, Mac Mutiny, SOU Breathing Venus, SOU Faking Intoxication, AL Daydream, TSS Acidic Reign, Kate Palette Blush: LUM Wild Rose Lips. Kanebo Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  8. chrisantiss

    Fotd 5.2.

    Base: TF Insurance Zoeva Palette, Liner AL Queen Teal Blush: Meow Infatuation Lips. Artdeco&Sephora Gloss Face. Chris MF&Finisher
  9. chrisantiss

    Fotd 2.2.

    Base: TF Insurance BFM Wizard of Oz, BFM Risque, CC Purple Pearl, Meow Graceful, TF Deep Space, BFM Kristie Blush: PL Afterglow Lips. Zoeva Pal. Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  10. chrisantiss

    Fotd 31.1.

    Base: TF Insurance Cory Mint, GFX Shooting Star, AL Blackangel, SSC Lavender Ice, SSC Iridenst Purple, Liner PL Cobalt Blush: LUM Autumn Lips. Jade Silverplum Face. Chris MF&Finisher
  11. chrisantiss

    Fotd 29.1.

    Base: TF Insurance TKB Travel to Mars, Chris Mix 2, Leishi 90, TKB Sparkle Turquoise, TKB Bishops Violet, Odbo Pal., Liner Fyr Unearthly Blush: Cory Vixen Lips. Mac Jewelbright Face. Chris MF&Finisher
  12. chrisantiss

    Fotd 27.1.

    Base: TF Insurance Hasaya Pal., Love Alpha Pal., Mac Stars'n Rocket, CS Silver Mica, Liner Chris Mix 3 Blush: Artemis Peppermint Lips. P2 Garden of Love Gloss Face. Chris MF&Finisher
  13. chrisantiss

    Fotd 24.1.

    Base: UDPP all Leishi: 44, 41,51,31, Liner LAU Surrender Blush: AL Merlot Lips: Essence 07 Face. Chris MF&Finisher
  14. chrisantiss

    Fotd 23.1.

    Base: TF Insurance TBS 31&45, PL Crush, PL Illusion, PL Cabana, Liner TSS Asylum Blush: LUM Woodberry Lips: Basic Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  15. chrisantiss

    Fotd 22.1.

    Base: TF Insurance TF Moon Beam, Kate Pal., Qinayu Pal., Bihcun Pal., TKB Travel to Pluto, Liner Fyr Kuroneka Blush: Mac Glissade Lips. Suhada Gloss Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  16. chrisantiss

    Fotd 21.1.

    Base: TF Insurance TKB Pennsylvania Green, Fyr Archmage, ATY Red Death, Mac Azrael Blue, Liner: PL Black Tie Blush: BFM Berry Nice Lips: ATY Low Red Moon Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  17. chrisantiss

    Fotd 20.1.

    Base: UDPP AL Spaceoddity, Mac p/g Sky Blue, PL Green Aura, PH Turquoise, Odbo Pal., Mac Teal, Mac Deep Truth, Mac Crystal Avalanche, BB Sandwash, PL Indigo Blush. Mac Pearl Blossom, TBS Cashmere Rose Lips. Artdeco Gloss Face: Chris MF&Finisher...
  18. chrisantiss

    Fotd 19.1.

    Base: TF Insurance Mac Typographic, AL Psyche, Chris Mix 10, TMM Chrome, BB Sandwash, Liner AL Spaceoddity Blush: PL Giddy Lips. Zoeva Pal. Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  19. chrisantiss

    Fotd 18.1.

    Base: TF Insurance Odbo Pal.-Grey, PL Orchid, Mac Violet, PL Blue Aura, Mac Platinum, PL Seashore, Liner PL Avenging Angel Blush: AL Aurora Lips. Essence Nr. 27 Face: Chris MF&Finisher
  20. chrisantiss

    Fotd 17.1.

    Base: UDPP Mac Vanilla, TSS Teal Serk, Mac Whim, PL Oasis, AL Queen Violet,BB Sandwash Blush: LUM Violacious Lips. Suhada Bordeaux Face: Chris MF&Finisher