Search results

  1. rbella

    EOTN: Climate Blues...Evening Out

    I call this Climate Blues b/c I went out for a night on the town but came home early with food poisoning from sushi....Disgusting. These pics are with hubby's digital so they are a little better. What I used: UDPP Cornflower Pigment on lid Climate Blue in outer crease and along middle of...
  2. rbella

    Holy Plummage!! First pic post...

    So, this was taken with a camera phone so the quality sucks, but here is my first EOTD!!! Couldn't get a good one with eye open... Please disregard my brows, they are jacked up and I didn't have my brow shader so I had to use a pencil which looked odd on me..... Here is what I used: Bare...
  3. rbella

    "Bitter Is The New Black" by Jen Lancaster

    Has anyone read this book? It is so hilarious. Wasn't sure if I should put this in the entertainment section or not. Anyway, this book cracked me up and the author is fantastic. She also has a couple of other books, but this is the best. If you need an easy, fun book to read, I highly recommend!!
  4. rbella

    I feel like Sh*t

    I can't breathe, I can't swallow, my eyes hurt, my ears hurt, my nose is completely clogged so I have to breathe in and out of my mouth and I have to babysit my screaming nephew today. I'm in a pissy mood.
  5. rbella

    Silly question

    Could somebody please give me a short lesson on how to use commas? I know this makes me look stupid but I have no clue how to use them correctly. I just put them anywhere. Please help!!!!!!! I need suggestions so I don't look so dumb when I write letters, emails, etc. Thanks in advance.
  6. rbella

    MAC subculture vs spice lipliner

    Here is a pic of both on my arm (spice on bottom, subculture on top). They are so similar. Subculture is ever so slightly lighter so if you find that spice is just not "neutral" enough for you, then maybe subculture would work better. However, I find that owning both of them is not necessary...
  7. rbella

    Sweetest little Santa Baby!!!

    My nephew:
  8. rbella

    Paint pots-understanding the use-help pls.

    I did an advance search on this topic and didn't find a dupe so I hope this hasn't already been asked. Sorry if it is a duplicate thread but I promised I researched!! I have a question about paint pots. What is the exact purpose? I know that some people will use them as a base for the shadow...
  9. rbella


    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct area to post in. I am wondering if any of you have problems with your 182 leaving little black hairs on your face? It would seem that the amount this brush costs would not warrant me having to pick little hairs out of my makeup. I'm wondering if it is...
  10. rbella

    Hi-new here

    Hello, I am new and freaking out a bit b/c I bought some MAC items from Ebay. It was recommended that I come to this site and research. I feel like a bit of a dope.