You've pretty much identified the reason why your skin is "freaking out" on your own.
Living in a new location with changes in humidity, altitude, etc. will take some time to adjust to.
As such, I'd recommend just waiting it out, honestly.
I'm going to speak from the heart.
Creating skincare products in your own home is not a great idea (its not even a good one).
Skincare is something that everyone should take seriously.
As such, you don't want to play around with your skin's health.
Skincare is something best left to the...
People say a lot of things on the internet.
I don't think there's any harm in trying out SA on a weekly basis and seeing how your skin reacts.
Initially, any product you use will cause your skin to go through a period in which it acclimates.
That's why you want to start slow as your skin...