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  1. girlstar

    Halloween was today for mee! Pic heavy..

    Well kinda. I teach dance on Saturdays and we planned to all dress up, and whatnot. I went as a fairy.. Here's my crazy mu.. Don't mind the errant piece of hair in the way.. I dragged my case along so I could finish my mu while I was at the studio before I started teaching, and ended up...
  2. girlstar

    Cast Photos FOTD

    Today we had cast photos for Chicago, so here is me with my new haircut, and my mu done. I only took one picture of myself though, because I was running late.. but I will get the actual pictures taken at the shoot soon and post those too Studio Finish in NC20 Studio Stick Concealer in NC20...
  3. girlstar

    NocturnElle and Formal Black Haul.

    Wee I finally got out to the mall to get my Formal Black and NocturnElle stuff! And my fave MA was working so I waited for her to help me, I love her sooooooooo much. Yay! I passed on Brow Beat because it's not LE, so I'll pick that up some other time. I also passed on most of NocturnElle...
  4. girlstar

    Pro Store Haul.

    Today was the bf's and I first year anniversary, so we went to Toronto for the weekend.. and of course.. I dragged him to the MAC Pro Store which was like a five minute walk from the hotel!! Soo.. I got: My first ever empty (but not anymore) 4 pan palette Forgery pan e/s Bitter pan e/s...
  5. girlstar

    Price of palettes in Canada?

    Hi.. I can't seem to find this, and it's not on How much are the 4 pan and 15 pan palettes in Canada? I'm going to the Pro Store in Toronto this weekend, and I just want to know so I can plan this
  6. girlstar

    Loud Lash on!

    I don't think this has been posted yet: Click!
  7. girlstar

    Um, so I heard I was on a no-buy?

    Feeling stressed about tomorrow's audition - made a trip to the counter. I spied a Sweetie Cakes Quad and asked if they actually had them still. They did! So I bought one.. and a Silverbleu shadestick. I was actually going to buy the Well Plumed Quad but I don't like that blue IRL. If...
  8. girlstar

    How do I store my Lush, you ask??

    I have been trying to figure out how to store my Lush so that it is all bath-side when I need it.. who knows what soap I'm going to want to shower with today? So I found some cheapie travel dishes at the dollar store, and got some permanent markers and went to town. Here's what I have so far...
  9. girlstar

    Old old old MAC.

    This is kind of a two-parter question. My Aunt has some really old pigment-like powder from back in the 80s when MAC first started. She keeps calling it shimmer for some reason. And, she has it in white, gold, and black. I haven't seen it, but she told me it's in the old style packaging, with...
  10. girlstar

    Biiiiiiiiiirthday Haulage & Lush Haul!

    Eep! 26 today... I'm closer to 30 than I am to 20 now.. aaaaaghHH! :eek2: My Aunt who is also a MAC-a-holic, got me two pigments as a birthday present! Apricot Pink & Golder's Green. Can you see Carrie Bradshaw on my TV in the background? (Watching SATC ) I also had a nice Lush haul...
  11. girlstar

    My purddddyyy new traincase ;)

    Updated! So, this is my collection. Most of it has been bought since August 2006. I've always used MAC, but I also dabbled in other drugstore brands.. and then I went through a year or so where I rarely wore makeup because of skin breakouts A few things I've had forever - the now dc'ed Angel...
  12. girlstar

    09.16: My take on rainbows! (Pic heavy and a question too!)

    So today was the first Saturday of dance classes, and I had to teach from 10 to 1.. one of those classes being the babies (4-5 year olds). I loved the idea of playing around with eyecolour to go teach the kiddies, so I got up early and decided to do my take on the rainbow eyes. I say "my take"...
  13. girlstar

    Another reason why I love MAC..

    Well, a few weeks ago if anyone remembers, I posted a haul and gushed about my favourite MA at the counter, and everyone told me to email MAC and let them know how awesome she is. Well, today I got a package from MAC in the mail, with the shipping address as mine, but a completely different...
  14. girlstar

    9.12 FOTD: Off to class.

    I had to teach my first tap and theatre dance classes of the year tonight for two hours, so I just did a simple look because I knew I was going to sweat. :| But fbefore I left, I took pictures because it's the first time I've felt half-decent in a few weeks! (I hate going through relationship...
  15. girlstar

    Sweetiecake Petit Glosses

    I haven't been hardcore into MAC for the last little while, and missed out on some stuff. I found out that my counter still has all 3 petit glosses from Sweetiecake. I did a search but didn't see too much about people's opinions on these. How are they? Are they sticky? Is the colour really...
  16. girlstar

    Flowers on a gray day..

    Some random pictures from outside.. on a yucky day, I needed some cheering up. Passion Flower It's a shame these sweeties only stay open for one day Morning Glory Ahhh they're taking over! Yayay Hope you enjoyed
  17. girlstar

    Todays haul/pics of the last few hauls/and a story :D

    So, today I headed out to my local counter to pick up Ostentatious as my first fluidline ever. Well, I got there.. and I didn't really like it. It reminds me of blue brown pigment, and I'm not really a fan of that (don't kill me if you *do* like it!!! I just don't like it on ME ).. so.. I ended...
  18. girlstar

    New Haul.. no pics.. yet!

    Went to the counter yesterday.. they wouldn't let me get anything from the new collections yet though.. so I will go back tomorrow on my way home from work to pick up Ostentatious ;D I picked up: Bare Canvas Paint - my first paint B-Rich - first *brown* eyeshadow Porcelain Pink They were all...
  19. girlstar

    First FOT* ever, and it's a FOTN!

    I was bored and playing around with makeup tonight... I look really really red, but it's the cameras fault!! I was trying to do a smoky night-time look. I'm still sorta new to blending, and all this. Any comments or suggestions greatly appreciated! (My bf called in the middle of me taking...
  20. girlstar

    Brush clutch availability?

    I really want to pick up a brush clutch, but I noticed on the mac website tonight that it has the little triangle next to it! How limited edition is this item, exactly? Is it going to be hard to find? I live in Canada, and generally I can only make it to the Bay - do they normally sell bags and...