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  1. LessThanAnn

    Bored EOTD

    Yeah...I dont even have an excuse for this one. It started off as something COMPLETELY P.S Please excuse the horrible hair and lighting, and well everything. They were taken with my webcam. I didnt even bother digging out my camera for this retarded
  2. LessThanAnn

    My "I-Just-Got-Fired-And-Need-To-Make-Myself-Feel-Better" Mini Haul!

    Hellllllooo! So Yeah...long story short. I was fired today and the hubs treated me to some M.A.C.. Hee! I goooottt: Dangerzone MSE Paradisco e/s (which I've wanted FOREVER!) and Nymphette l/g. I actually had finally conviced him to get me the 224 but they were out...I was maybe 17 and 3/4th...
  3. LessThanAnn

    Getting My Lip Pierced in Like...10 Hours.

    I'm soooo scared! But I'm super excited. I got my tongue done and my ears. But I'm scared for this one. Some reassuring words would be awesome. Thanks guys!
  4. LessThanAnn

    My Very First Post!!**Neutral FOTD**

    Hey Hey Hey Everyone! This is my very 1st post! And it's a neutral look. The whole point of me doing this look was I was trying out a NYC bronzer (my 1st one!), and after I did the face, I HAD to finish the look. You Know! Lol. Well enough chit chat, Here's the look. What I Used...