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  1. AdlersMommy22

    GOOD MORNING GRYS FAMILY!!!!!!!-->Extreame Home Makeover in my town!!!!!!!

    It's so cool- Extreame Home Makeover is litearlly 5 minutes away from me right now working on a house for a family in my town that also goes to my church!! They are the coolest people-- they have taken in little kids for YEARS who's parents were drug addicts.. I always see them in church.. and...
  2. AdlersMommy22

    All of October Haul

    *Pink Manish L/g *Shine Manish l/g *Pink Swoon from Manish *Devil from Manish *Love Alert Dazzleglass *Baby Sparks Dazzleglass *Sugarrimed Dazzleglass *Sheer minerals sheerbronze *#181 brush I get the rest of it tomorrow so then i will take pictures!!!!!!
  3. AdlersMommy22

    "lets Go Go Go Whiiiiiiiite Sox! We're With You All The Way!!!!

    You're always in there fighting and you do your best. We're glad to have you out here in the Middle West! We're gonna root, root, root, root White Sox, and cheer you on to victory. When we're in the stands we'll make those rafters ring. All through the season you will hear us sing, let's go...
  4. AdlersMommy22

    Improvising Barbie Loves MAC! =)

    Sooooooooo.. i missed out on the big Barbie Loves MAC party sad. Seriously considering ordering some stuff on ebay though (IF ANYONE WANTS TO SELL LET ME KNOW HAHAHA!).... soooo today idecided to improvise! =) Face: Hyperreal NC300 MSF Natural Medium Dark Pink Swoon Blush Warmed MSF to...
  5. AdlersMommy22

    Did an EOTD- Now here's My First FOTD! YAY! :-)

    This is just a simple look I did before work- my work outfit for my waitressing job is SOOOO blah- Just a beige shirt and black pants- So I always like to do something with my eyes--- so here it is!! Eyes Bare Study p/p Freshwater e/s Carbon e/s Deep Truth e/s a littttttle Dark Soul P/m...
  6. AdlersMommy22

    *my First Eotd!!* =)

    Hi!! I know these pry arent the best--- but its my first one so.. hopefulyl everyone likes them!! Products Used: Bare Canvas p/p Teal P/m Parrot e/s Climate Blue e/s Deep Truth e/s Solar White e/s Blonde's Gold p/m Fly By Blu eyeliner Black Russian Eyeliner Zoom Lash in Zoom Black...
  7. AdlersMommy22

    why does EVERY GUY just want sex?!?!?!?!

    ive had it.. Im seriously at my breaking point... brief history I dated my son's father off and on for 6 years... Since I was 16 (he was 24 at the time) til I got pregnant.. he told me either I get rid of the baby or he'd never talk to me again- i told him to take a hike and that's where I...
  8. AdlersMommy22

    My Freshwater is labeled "Sweet Lust"

    So I got my haul in the mail yesterday, and I was looking at deep truth and freshwater and thought- wow freshwater is a lot darker than i thought it was going to be- well I looked at the back and it's labeled "Sweet Lust"... wtf? I know that is a pinkish color but this color is DEF a dark blue--...
  9. AdlersMommy22

    MAC Commercial for my television production class- HELP!

    Hey Mods- if this isn't the right place please feel free to move! :-) Im doing a commercial for my television production camera- we have SUPER high tech video equiptment and realy high-tech Macintosh editing software-- somehow I convinced my partner to let us do our commercial for MAC...
  10. AdlersMommy22

    My "CantAffordMAC requested I post a haul thread &shes adorable so here it is!" haul I spent some massive money. I dont know why. I just wanted to. LOL. Ive been working a ton and going through a lot of stuff with my son's father as far as child support and what not.. so.. here it is! My haul from today! *Teal Pigment *Dark Soul Pigment *Large Limited Edition eye...
  11. AdlersMommy22

    I accidently just snorted my Prozac..

    Not kidding- I took the pill with my birth control pill this morning same as i always do--- but im really weird- i just swallow them i dont use water... Well next thing I know I cough while Im looking at the new swatches for Passion of Red and all this powder comes flying out of my nose and i...
  12. AdlersMommy22

    How do you explain your MAC obsession??

    So... my mom confronts me tonight and says "im not putting you down but.. I dont understand how someone can like a brand of makeup SO much.. to where they sit and blog about it and chat on forum boards with people about it." I found it realllly difficut to explain in words why i loved MAC so...
  13. AdlersMommy22

    Heritage Rouge + Prr l/g= Best "black lips" ever????

    So in my "omg i live pigments" thread someone suggested mixing pigments and i thought-- wow, duh-- sucha great idea! So i mixed a little HR with my Prrr l/g and OMG.. its the most AMAZING color ever! Im not sure where it post this so mods- if this is wrong, please move! :-) but....for as much...
  14. AdlersMommy22

    My "Oh my God This Cost me $200???" Haul!!!

    Im in looooooooooooove with my new piggies!! In love love love love love! *Heritage Rouge Pigment *Blondes Gold Pigment *Antique Green Pigment *Frost Pigment *Fancy Ray Cremeblush *Plum Dressing e/s *Bare Study paint pot *High Tea l/s *#239 *#242 *Free sample of zoomlash in zoomblack
  15. AdlersMommy22

    OH MY GOD!!! I love pigments!

    First- I just bought my first full size jars of pigments (blondes gold, antique green, heritage rouge, and frost) and can I just say- HOLY LORD THESE THINGS ARE HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!! I didnt think for a second that they'd be this big!! I cant get over it!! I have a small pigment from L'oreal HIP...
  16. AdlersMommy22

    ugh help! my laptop wont connect to the internet!

    so last night apparently the power went out @ my house My laptop was on and connected to the internet this morning its not. The modem works and my parent's desktop is working (hence im online right now) but my laptop says it cant connect to the primary dsn server ( which...
  17. AdlersMommy22

    I have $200 for what should I get?

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Im spending pry $60 of it on heritage rouge, blondes gold, and antique gree though. Other than that Im an open slate...Im an NC400 in HR foundation, dark brown hair, with blue eyes!
  18. AdlersMommy22

    SO Depressed about Lipsticks!

    So I was making my "MAC Wants" list for the fallowing month- to buget my money... and I was looking at all the BEAUTIFUL reds and deep dark colors and pretty dark pinks (like girl about town).... and I just got SO upset because i look like CRAP with dark colors on my lips.. I have to wear sheer...
  19. AdlersMommy22

    How Do You Know....????

    If you have pigmented lips?? I keep seeing "I have SUPER pigmented lips" and stuff like that- but I have nooooooo idea if I do or not.. haha!! How do you know???