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  1. aziza

    Considering buying a pre-assembled kit! Any thoughts?

    Hi everyone!! I would love to someday be a makeup artist. Everyone says practice but the stuff I have is nowhere near sufficient. I was thinking about buying the kit from this site during the summer ( I'm getting a huge refund check back during summer school ). I know RCMA is famous for their...
  2. aziza

    Florida is freakin' hot!! fotd :)

    Don'tmove here!! Ugh...the humidity is crazy Anyway...I've been practicing blending and using bolder colors. I think I did alright I also need to practice using this camera and whether it's best to take pics outside or inside...I'm a different shade of brown in each one
  3. aziza

    How fast do you go through pigments?

    Hi! I really want to purchase some pigments but I'm not sure if I should buy samples or full jars. Does a little go a long way or is it something that you speed through? I'm going to my CCO on Saturday and I'm so excited!! -Sweet:loveya:
  4. aziza

    Oh lawd...this was difficult ie. my first FOTD

    Hi! I was bored at home ad decide to post my first FOTD. Whew! It was hard trying to get the lighting and all that stuff correct but I managed to take a few decent pics. I didn't know how to take a good closeup of my eye though. I wasn't going for any particular look...just playing around...
  5. aziza

    Dying to do a smokey eye but my eyes are small! Help...pretty please?

    My eyes are small and when ever I wear dark colors they tend to *shrink* Is there a way to still wear a smokey eye but not make my eyes disappear? (Please disregard the eyebrows ...I was growing them...just wanted to show ya'll what I'm working with )
  6. aziza


    This is an amazing site. For the past two days I've been flitting from thread to thread...there's so much talent here and so much to learn! I love make-up but I don't own one single M.A.C product (a shame, right?) Well...that's going to change! I've planned the haul of a lifetime for next month...