Search results

  1. Blushbaby


    What do you use to sanitize any products you've bought in swaps/sales? Thank you.
  2. Blushbaby

    Can anybody rec a tattoo parlour in NYC?

    I've decided to get a tattoo next mth when I'm in NY. I've been umming and ahhing over it for mths. Can anybody rec a reputable place to go? I don't mind if it's in Manhattan, Brooklyn or The Bronx. If you're recommending it due to personal experience - even better! Thank you.
  3. Blushbaby

    15/60 secs between posts and searches

    Is there anyway this can be altered so that we don't have to wait 60 secs between each private msg to or leave 15 secs between each search? It's so frustrating sometimes and I'm the world's most impatient person. Thanks.
  4. Blushbaby

    Which liquidlast liner to go with Metal-X shadows?

    I've recently purchased Metal-X's Plum Electric, Pure Ore, Metalblu and hope to get my hands on 6th Sin and Gold Fusion - which liquid fastliner/s would I need as bases? I've never used them before and I watched Tiff's tut last night and realise I need these babies to make the shadows stick...
  5. Blushbaby

    What was the last thing you bought?

    I'm bored and in a nosey mood. What was the last thing you bought? It doesn't have to be just the ONE item either. You can post your entire shopping spree if you like I wanna see! The last thing I purchased were these shoots from Nine West last week: I ordered them on the U.S site cos they...
  6. Blushbaby

    Laptop recs?

    I need a lapop. My PC is on its last legs. I really wanted (well still kinda want) a gold Sony Vaio but my friend said that the exterior is too flimsy and not very durable. I'm yet to go and see them for myself in the flesh though. I'd only be using it for downloading music/films, uploading...
  7. Blushbaby

    Xmas/New Year sales - when do they tend to begin?

    Hey everybody, Just a quick question, when do the sales tend to start in New York? I arrive Dec 21st but should I just wait til New Years to go shopping or would the sales have already started? I wanna get some reduced makeup/perfume sets, jeans, knitwear and undie sets. When's...
  8. Blushbaby

    Iman's gone into liquidation Europe anyway.

    Well that's that my friend's just told me over the phone. She went to a dept store to go and get a foundation and couldn't find the Iman counter and was told by another SA that Iman have ceased trading! I only tried them once a few yrs ago, but for those who use Iman regularly sorry to be the...
  9. Blushbaby

    What are you buying your partners for Christmas?'s November on Saturday (already!), and I found myself thinking about what I was gonna buy my boyf as his main Xmas pressie last night. I've already bought him a load of clothes over the past few wks but know that his mobile is on its last dying legs and he's a complete gadget nut so I'm...
  10. Blushbaby

    Who sells longer length skinny jeans?

    I'm back in NY in December for 3 wks and really wanna stock up on straight legged jeans aswell as some coloured skinnies. Where will I be most likely to find coloured skinnies with an inside leg of say 33/34 inches?? I'm 5ft8 and do NOT entertain ankle swingers! Forever 21 only do standard leg...
  11. Blushbaby

    Which MAC PRO product shade recs?

    I always forget that MAC has a PRO range and as a result I never check out the PRO products. Which must have shades/products should I check out suitable for an NC45/50? Thanks ladies.
  12. Blushbaby

    Rec for MAC Neutral Pink e/s

    I'm after Neutral Pink from the N Collection. I can't find any on Ebay at the mo. Can anybody rec a similar shade please? Thank you.
  13. Blushbaby

    What did you buy from the N Collection?

    I'm taking you all back a bit, I know but I was just wondering what you ladies bought from the N collection as I really wish I'd bought some of the nude lip colours. I fancy buying some bits on Ebay and was just wondering which shades stood out for you at the time? ETA: I'm NC50 btw!
  14. Blushbaby

    Bebe shoe sizing

    Do they come up true to size. I've seen the most beautiful pair of shoes and I'm not in NY again til Dec and they prob won't be instore then so I need to get my boyf to order them for me and send them over. I'm a UK size 8 - thanks!
  15. Blushbaby

    My NY to LDN haul

    I'm back in London from visiting my boyf in NYC for almost 3.5 weeks. Whilst I was there I bought a few things. I actually spent bout 40 mins detaiiling which colours and shades I'd bought and then accidentallly deleted my post - naturally I'm in no mood to do it all over again...
  16. Blushbaby

    How long do "Goodbyes" tend to stay on the site?

    I was just wondering for future reference as we don't even have that section on the UK site and I could get my boyf to order stuff for me instead. Say if a collection appears on Monday, how long would it typically stay online before disappearing forever ? Thanks.
  17. Blushbaby

    Which shadows to achieve this gold look?

    It's my party and I'll scowl if I want to: Posh rolls up for A-list celebration | Mail Online Thanks in advance.
  18. Blushbaby

    Steve Madden sizing?

    I'm a UK 8 (US 11). Would you say that Steve Madden's sizing is accurate or does it run small? I'm contemplating ordering online. Thanks.
  19. Blushbaby

    Which sites do you order perfume from?

    Any good discounted perfume sites based in the U.S that you can recommend? Thanks
  20. Blushbaby

    Celebrity fashion site?

    There was a site that I used to go on about 18 mths ago and I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. It had sub-forums for individual female slebs and would post up pics of their various outfits as and when they were papped around town. Anyone know what I'm on about? It was great...