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  1. ruthless

    My two new fav Nail Blogs!!

    Never too much glitter!! She makes her own glue on nails, it's much more glamorous than that though. I've bought many sets off of her etsy store and I LOVE them, perfect for my smaller nail beds. She also does a ton of frankening, which I also LOVE. Dr Frankenpolish The nail polish combos...
  2. ruthless

    Argh No Buy Kick

    Right, so after dropping 180 on Style black I want to go on a NO BUY kick for makeup until Christmas. Use up all of my hair product, moisturizer etc before buying more. It seems to have gotten really out of hand lately, I'm not going into debt but I definitely could be saving hundreds if not...
  3. ruthless

    An article my BF forwarded to me

    7 Beauty Looks That Freak Him Out - 1 Makeup, Skin Care & Hair - Your Look - MSN Lifestyle Discuss. I am perhaps guilty of overtanning, but that's the only one. Anyone else out there guilty? I should add I think there are guys out there that like big hair!
  4. ruthless

    The Ojon Thread

    For all things Ojon. OMG!!!! I ordered a fcukload of this stuff from the shopping channel. I got Tawaka exfoliating ball and satin body mist Smells like chocolate and woods and everything completely edible. You wet the ball to soften it up and then roll it around yer body. Satin body mist...
  5. ruthless

    ENUK Inverted Moulds

    Ok ladies, I've gone ahead and ordered a bunch of these since I am learning to do nails (only my own, and maybe a couple of friends for free) Anyone else use these before? I really like the idea , mostly because doing my dominant hand myself sculpting is a real beeyotch. Anyone else play...
  6. ruthless

    My HG shampoo & conditioner-Bumble & Bumble

    I've done so much to my hair-flat iron, bleaching, stripping, blow drying. This past summer I kind of went a lil weird after a break up with my on again, off again BF (do NOT get your hair done after break ups. trust me) and had all the color stripped out of my hair and went blonde. Well lots of...
  7. ruthless

    Women over 30

    As 30 is on my horizon, I am suggesting this: A forum for make up issues related to those with older skin, and who would like a place to share more grown up looks-glitter and sheen is beautiful, but when you're of a certain age you have to be really careful how you apply it and where or you end...
  8. ruthless

    First FOTD-just lips

    So I had this big post all planned out yesterday but I couldn't get flickr to now I'm back for try two with photobucket. My lips. Laquer is... fan plastico with mac liner. Not a good job so much really. I hardly ever wear red lips because mine are huge and pillowy and therefore take...
  9. ruthless

    Hi I'm new

    And not big on introductions sorry!! I love, love, love this site-I finally feel that having enormous amounts of cosmetics I could never possibly use up is normal. Thanks for that. (I heart Canada...) I've tried to contribute on various threads, however they don't seem to be posting-are new...