Search results

  1. sayah

    A blush between Cubic and Pink Swoon?

    I'm looking for a new blush. Im NC/NW 15 and like Cubic, Pink swoon and BPB Shy Beauty. I'm looking for something in the middle, more close to Cubic than the other colours. Do you have a suggestion? Something natural but not boring and nothing to claycoloured.
  2. sayah

    What lipgloss with pink e/s?

    Hi guys I've started using some light pink eyeshadow. It makes my greyblue eyes pop and darken at the same time. But I'm not sure what to put on my lips, do you have any ideas? I have Cubic on my cheeks and a neutral face.
  3. sayah

    New from Sweden!

    Hi everyone Wow, my first entry. After a bit of lurking I decided to become a member and finally admit that I'm addicted to MAC. I'm 28 years old and live in Sweden. Thankfully near a MAC-counter. I got addicted to the brand when I was looking for a foundation light enough for me and found...