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  1. Nireyna

    "Cut & Half" made by Nireyna

    Hello ) FACE: - photofinish foundation from smashbox - atelier-A foundation - Kryolan powder derma color - sculpt and shape - grey pencil for brows LIPS: - rose lip pencil - gienic lipstick from Nivea EYES: - falsh color from MAFE in white as a base - bare Minerals in Queen Phyllis as a...
  2. Nireyna

    "Natural" made by Nireyna

    Hi all )) againe me ) just post day MU and i fall in love with photofinish foundation from Smashbox ) FACE: - photofinish foundation, Smashbox - Atelier-A foundation - Smashbox luminazer - artificial light in white color - sculpt and shade powder for correction, MAC LIPS: - flash color MAFE -...
  3. Nireyna

    "Sonic Vibe" made by Nireyna :)

    Part 1 YouTube - MAC Electro Flash : "Sonic Vibe" Look Part 1 Part 2 YouTube - MAC Electro Flash : "Sonic Vibe" Look Part 2
  4. Nireyna

    "Sonic Vibe" made by Nireyna :)

    FAst Look for evening )) From MAC Soinc Vibe look FACE: foundation Atelier A - N2 Brown pencil for brows from LACordi med brown for cheeks pink powder for highliting cheeks Peggy-Sage luminazer for face LIPS: Peggy-Sage lipstick - cotton baby Maybellin pencil Sally Hansen lip gloss 18 hour...
  5. Nireyna

    "Sweet" made by Nireyna :)

    I decide to creat long video so here all parts of them Part 1 YouTube - Sweety Part 1 PArt 2 YouTube - Sweety Part 2 Part 3 YouTube - Sweety Part 3
  6. Nireyna

    "Sweet" made by Nireyna

    "Sweet" FACE: - foundation Atelier - primer LUmene base (sillicon one) - powder Kryolan - Sculpt and shape MAC for cheaks - brown pencil from Lacordi for brows Lips: - Sally Hansen lipglos + gold and pink shimmer powder from Atelier Eyes: (atelierA eyeshadows) - UDPP - light pink - med beige...
  7. Nireyna

    "Blue Sky" made by Nireyna ;)

    YouTube - Blue Sky (Savage Garden and Cafe Del Mar songs)
  8. Nireyna

    "Blue Sky" made by Nireyna ;)

    Blue Sky. It is my FOTD yesterday bought new dress (peace of cloth you can see on a photo) and create some blue make up really cool make up.. i`m just axited my self and it look better in life. So all product Atelier-A and only grey color from MAFE Face: - Foundation Atelier A - concealer...
  9. Nireyna

    Pink Night

    Thanks for watching ) YouTube - Pink Night
  10. Nireyna

    Pink Night

    Mostly all products from Atelier-A (France) and MAFE Face: MAFE foundation for face and body MAFE concealer #1 Kryolan powder antishine Eyes: Atelier_A shadows in next colors: - white - rose beige - peach - tangerine - fuchia - grey - beige color for cheeks - and pearl powder in gold color...
  11. Nireyna

    My first FOTD - India :)

    Frankly speaking don`t understand to the end what i have to do here but ppl tell me that i have write all products and post a pictures... Will be happy if someone tell me more )) So let me present an Inadia )) That is my today look ) and here close one [face] SLA mouisturizer...
  12. Nireyna

    Beautyfull Iris (All Parts)

    Decide to post one of my favourite look. And as for me one of my the besst look. Part 1 YouTube - Beautyfull Iris Part 1 Part 2 YouTube - Beautyfull Iris Part 2 Part 3 YouTube - Beautyfull Iris Part 3
  13. Nireyna

    Peggy-Sage Shimmer Powder (France)

    Coco Myrtille, Guimauve Violette,Melon Givre
  14. Nireyna

    Kryolan Swatches

    Kryolan Satin Powder - (from left to right) Gold, Dunkelgrun, 512, 333
  15. Nireyna

    Atelier-A (France)

    These cosmetic line mostly use in Europe. It is perfect for me and i prefer work with it but it is difficult buy it in USA Here problems cause they don`t write numbers or name of shadows ((( 1. White matt 2. White with sparkles, very bright white 3. Natural light beige 4. Midtone beige...
  16. Nireyna

    Few ways to creat your brows

    There are 3 ways to creat your eyebrows - from light to dark (from day to evening look) YouTube - Few ways to creat your brows!
  17. Nireyna

    How To Use Pencile On Your Eyes

    It is usual Pejncile tech-c. Ppl who visit my channel know about it. So if don`t know me, plz watch it and you will know smth new, i`m 100% sure in it! YouTube - Pencil + Corner Tech-cs again Part 2
  18. Nireyna

    Naughty Pink from YouTube

    Nireyna here Hi everyone who know me and who not )) Just have little difficulys with my english and cannt understand how to post a video...but i`ll try )) YouTube - Naughty Pink I made it not with MAC shadows but hope that you will like result