Search results

  1. ..kels*

    ~humid & deep truth~

    clickable thumbnails!! please excuse the crazy brows (growing them in) & the messy hair.. this look is a lot darker & dramatic than i usually go, so i don't think i'd wear it out. face: bare minerals light medium loose blot powder pink swoon blush NARS orgasm NARS laguna porcelain...
  2. ..kels*

    faith hill "joking" at CMA's

    carrie underwood's win full report any thoughts? IMO she doesn't look like she was joking at ALL. there were also reports from her people that she was unaware that she was on camera. not exactly a statement leaning in her favor though.. at the 2003 CMA's she pulled a similar move when her...
  3. ..kels*

    warm pig & warm l/g sets!!

    my counter has all the dress sets in, so i picked these 2 up yesterday. i loveeee them!! no pics yet, sorry.
  4. ..kels*

    baby haul

    so i made it to my counter with only about 10 minutes before closing time & snatched up what i could! hehe. ~205 brush ~babied lip lacquer ~nymphette lipglass so excited to play with them all!!!
  5. ..kels*

    ::blue brown::

    excuse the wonky brows. hehe face: revlon skinlights warm Bare Minerals light sweet william blushcreme NARS orgasm porcelain pink MSF fix+ eyes: bare canvas paint sea me s/s aquadisiac e/s blue brown pigment naked pigment blacktrack f/l bad gal lash lips: prrr l/g jellicious lipgelee
  6. ..kels*


    please excuse the messy liner.. i get shaky before my morning coffee. hehe. & as always, this was more vibrant IRL. face: revlon skinlights warm bare minerals light sweet william blushcreme NARS orgasm blush porcelain pink MSF eyes: bare canvas paint lucky jade s/s shimmersand s/s bitter e/s...
  7. ..kels*

    lashes at bay counter?

    stupid question, but.. do they sell lashes at the bay counters? specifically the one in victoria?? tia.
  8. ..kels*

    babied lip lacquer vs. prrr lipglass

    i already have prrr lipglass & i'm thinking about getting babied lip lacquer. my counter didn't have prrr & i didn't have mine with me, so i couldn't compare the two. how similar are they? should i skip out on this one?
  9. ..kels*

    3 hauls in 2 weeks

    i'm a little behind on the collections as you can see.. #1 ~bronze CCB ~sea me s/s ~corn s/s ~mascara X ~fix + (not pictured) #2 ~peppier e/s ~jeweltone e/s ~full flame e/s ~182 ~sinnamon l/g #3 ~B2M bombshell l/s ~pink patina l/v ~cute yet sexy l/v & i'm debating whether or not i...
  10. ..kels*


    couldn't get any good pics today.. especially of a close-up open eye. the first one's the only one that really shows the makeup. the rest are just me being a goofball. i'll edit later with what i used if anyone really cares. (& sorry! i don't know how to resize or link) **i used: eyes: sea me...
  11. ..kels*

    ~~black rose~~

    so i did this a looong time ago back when gogo-something-rather posted pinkypinky's looks but i never thought to post it.. so this is my copycat of the smokey rose look. (obviously no where NEAR as good as pinkypinky lol) can't really remember what i used but here's a guess.. eyes: bare...
  12. ..kels*

    lemon lime

    as always, this was a lot more vibrant IRL.. stupid camera.. face: revlon skinlights warm NARS laguna NARS orgasm pink swoon blush shimpagne MSF eyes: beige-ing s/s bare canvas chrome yellow e/s aquadisiac e/s freshwater e/s swimming e/s deep truth e/s humid e/s shroom e/s blacktrack f/l...
  13. ..kels*

    tiny haul

    a new 15 pan palette bitter e/s aquadisiac e/s freshwater e/s deep truth e/s venetian lustreglass (LOVE this!!)
  14. ..kels*

    pink cabana dupe?

    i missed out on pink cabana & i regret it sooo much now. anyone know of a similar l/s?
  15. ..kels*

    must-have blue e/s

    what are your must-have blue eyeshadows in your collection?
  16. ..kels*

    spring colours

    the lighting isn't that great, but i can't figure out the settings for my camera.. time to pull out the directions maybe. eyes: bare canvas paint swimming e/s fuchsia pig chrome yellow e/s creme de violet e/s teal pig kitschmas pig blacktrack f/l clinique high impact mascara face: light blot...