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  1. LeeleeBell

    My eyeshape...How to do a cat's eye (or should I avoid it altogether)?

    My eyes are large/almond shaped, and protrude eye has more lid and is slightly droopier than the other (so they are different shapes). I keep trying to do a "cat eye" with blacktrack, penultimate liner, name it...It doesn't work I stretch the eyes out with my fingers...
  2. LeeleeBell

    My evergrowing but still pretty modest collection

    Updates 6/28/09 Newest MAC e/s: Retrospeck (from store) and Blue Flame (from CCO), also just bought Plum Dressing e/s (not pictured) Newest Lipstick and liner: Nyx lipliner/jumbo pencil, and MAC "Mellow Mood" MAC Creme Color Base "Fresh Morning": Bought via a seller here on Specktra (love it)...
  3. LeeleeBell

    Maybe this is a stupid question (Re: Magnets/Palettes)

    So I depotted my shadows...bought a magnetized palette (online...waiting for it to arrive). Do I still need to get magnets to stick on the shadow pans? I wouldn't think so because they are metal that will stick to the magnetized palettes anyway...but in a tut I saw, someone said to purchase...
  4. LeeleeBell

    I found a dupe for Too Faced's "Glamazon" eyeshadow

    Didn't know where else to put this...thought this was the best forum? I bought "Sandstone" at ULTA (their store brand), thinking it was a pinky-brown color...that's how it looked in the store anyway, not at home or on my eyes. When I put it side by side with Too Faced's "Glamazon" (and swatched...
  5. LeeleeBell

    Hi :) New to the site and loving it

    WOW! this forum is SO awesome! I just joined, but I was lurking for a couple of weeks before...thought I would introduce myself. I am mid 30s, living in So. California...I just got back into makeup after many years (a decade even ) of not bothering/caring unless it was a special occasion. I...