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  1. iamlelilien

    all the cool kids are doing it!

    Panda eyes. I didn't use the tutorial that was posted on this board recently, I did it differently. It kind of makes me look like a scene queen Myspace whore, but that might be my expression, not the makeup...
  2. iamlelilien

    a few recommendations...

    First of all, what MAC eyeshadows best resemble these two colors? And second of all, can you recommend an inexpensive black eyeshadow in some drugstore brand? Thanks in advance.
  3. iamlelilien

    brownish smokey eye with light inner corners

    This is my first FOTD here: I feel I could have done a bit better blending the white into the black and brown, but other than that I'm quite proud of it. And my complexion isn't usually that red... I guess it was the lighting. :\
  4. iamlelilien


    My name is Lilien. I'm 15 years old, I'm in 10th grade, and I live in Colorado. I've been lurking on this board for a while, and I've been wanting to get better at doing makeup since I saw what some of the people here can do. I love dramatic, colorful, and artistic eye makeup. My favorite colors...