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  1. mzjae

    My bf & I love LUSH!

    In the past two days my boyfriend & I made trips to LUSH & spent a good amount. =P Here's the stuff we've gotten... Imperialis Skin Drink Catastrophe Cosmetic Wiccy Magic Muscles Sexy Peel Ice Blue Mud Flats Sandstone Soap Godiva shampoo NEW! shampoo Soft shampoo Dream On Tisty Tosty Sakura...
  2. mzjae

    Trip inspired FOTN

    It's been awhile. I took a little trip away & yesterday on my way back home I watched the sun set & got inspired to do this combo. It's not that great but oh well. Enjoy. Eyes: Espresso on brows Bare Canvas Gold Dusk pig as highlight Passionate in crease Rule above crease RR Blue pig on lid...
  3. mzjae

    Filipina Barbie

    I decided to try my take on the Barbie Loves Mac models' makeup. It turned out alright. Too bad I didn't get to take better pictures since my camera died. =( Oh well. These are pretty decent. Eyes: Espresso on brows Bare Canvas paint Jest as highlight Sketch in crease Passionate above...
  4. mzjae

    I got this ICEBOX where my heart used to be...

    My night off & nothing better to do than to play with makeup. =) I finally played with my Icebox e/s & it looks so nice over Sea Me. Eyes: UDPP Sea Me s/s Shroom as highlight Icebox on lid & inner half lower lashline Meadowland in crease Zonk! Bleu in crease Mystical Mist on outer lid &...
  5. mzjae

    Ciao! Green FOTD =)

    I haven't really done my makeup in awhile because of our Ciao! sale at work so here's a little something I did today. For once I wasn't too tired or lazy to do it. Eyes: UDPP Lucky Jade s/s Shroom as highlight De Menthe on lid Goldmine in crease Humid in crease, outer v & lower lashline...
  6. mzjae

    A new love for Blue Brown FOTD

    I rarely use Blue Brown pig so I decided to use it & I've developed a new love for it. =] A pretty simple look I did today to go out & get the Wii. No luck with that though. -_-' Anyway, on to the FOTD...Sorry I look so shiny, these were taken after a long day. Eyes: UDPP Benefit Highbrow...
  7. mzjae

    Lure+Nocturnelle & a cute pup.

    Eyes: UDPP Haunting f/l on lid Seedy Pearl as highlight Mancatcher on lid Endless Love in crease Entremauve pig in outer V & crease Delphic f/l in lower lashline Waternymph over Delphic Blacktrack to line Engraved PP Fibre Rich mascara Face: SFF Studio Fix powder Peachtwist blush Shimpagne MSF...
  8. mzjae

    Sigh...No time.

    So recently my boyfriend & I haven't been spending much time together. We see eachother every day, but I have school & work on the weekends & he works pretty much ALL THE TIME now that we rarely spend a day together or do something nice together without worrying about something coming up. Well...
  9. mzjae

    3 Work FOTD(pic heavy)

    I got a bunch of compliments on my makeup over the weekend at work, especially sunday's look. A few of my co-workers asked me if I used to work for MAC. Hehe..I wish..anyways here are the looks & what I used. Friday Eyes: UDPP Shroom as highlight Apricot Pink pig on lid Pinked Mauve pig...
  10. mzjae

    Grey Passion

    I like how everything turned out in this look except for the falsies. I was in a rush & put them on horrible. =[ Eyes: UDPP Benefit Highbrow Lucky Jade s/s Flammable paint in crease Shroom as highlight Accent Red in crease Passionate in crease Sketch in crease & outer v Smut in outer v...
  11. mzjae

    I have no title for this one.

    This look was darker IRL. Stupid flash. Anyways, I'll list what I use later on because I have a date with my boyfriend. =) Eyes: UDPP Mango Mix s/s Shroom & Shimpagne on brow bone Love Bud on lid & lower lashline Coppering over Love Buf Soft Brown in cease Plum Dressing in crease Sketch...
  12. mzjae

    Sunset eyes

    Not my best but oh well. Eyes: UDPP Corn s/s Mangomix s/s Crimsonaire s/s Goldmine inner lid & lower lashline Rule inner crease & mid lid Passionate outer lid & outer crease Coppering over Passionate Sketch in outer V Blacktrack to line Fibre Rich mascara Espresso on brows Wheat brow...
  13. mzjae

    FOTD before work

    I finally have time to post a FOTD before work. Hopefully closing isn't so bad & we don't have to stay till midnight. Oh well, I'll have some MAC therapy (hopefully) before my shift. =D Eyes: UDPP Benefit highbrow Shroom as highlight Nylon on inner lid Electric Eel the rest of lid Jewel...
  14. mzjae

    Brown eyes & Red no.5 lips

    I haven't posted in awhile. I've done makeup for work, but I wasn't able to take pictures. Just in a rush before work or it's like 12am or 1am when I get off. Clothing retail is work. Anyways, I jumped on the Red No. 5 bandwagon. I love the color & texture! It's my new favorite. I might get a...
  15. mzjae

    Smokey Gold tutorial

    This is my first tutorial on here so I don't know if I did well. Anyways, here you guys go... Things you need: - Eyeshadow base (UDPP) - Benefit highbrow(optional) - Corn shadestick - Gold Dusk pigment - Eyeshadows: Espresso, Goldmine, Amberlights, Shroom, Suspicion, Blacktied - Blacktrack f/l...
  16. mzjae

    Smokey Gold

    I did this look on one of the models at the fashion show & I decided to do it on myself since it was so pretty on her. I also made at tutorial of this look but I don't know if I wanna post it. Anyways, happy thanksgiving. Eyes: UDPP Benefit highbrow Corn s/s Shroom Goldmine Gold Dusk pig...
  17. mzjae

    Eyes like shells

    Did this quick look today before going out. My bf said it reminded him of a shell. Every time I do makeup he always says it reminds him of something. Lol. I didn't really like it though. Whatever. Anyways, Happy Early Thanksgiving everyone! Eyes: UDPP Benefit high brow Shroom as highlight...
  18. mzjae

    Passionate purple

    So today I was officially hired by Armani Exchange. After getting the good news, I headed to the MAC store & finally treated myself. I got Passionate(finally! the store was out the first day), Shroom & a backup of Endless Love. =) So here's my look with them... Eyes: UDPP Benefit high brow...
  19. mzjae

    I got a new job haul

    So I got a job today at Armani Exchange & since there's a MAC store in the mall I decided to finally treat myself to something. =D The haul is so tiny though... Passionate e/s Endless Love e/s Shroom e/s It would of been more but the stuff I wanted they were out of. =( Also, my boyfriend got...
  20. mzjae

    Fashion show makeup & friday's FOTD (picture heavy)

    I had a fashion show to do today & omg...It was SUPER UNORGANIZED, I was standing on my feet for 7 hours & only had like 5 minutes to take a break. At least in the end I was pretty happy with the makeup I did. The only sucky part was that I didn't get to see the actual show because everytime I...