Search results

  1. kimmy

    the lure collection

    is anyone else as hella stoked about this as i am?! omg. i want it. i want it baaaaaad. and this is a stupid question, but does anyone know if the boxes will be teal? i know the belle azure stuff came in bronze boxes and their packaging was bronze, so i'm wondering if lure's packaging is going...
  2. kimmy

    pink olives! hahahaha!

    mac beige-ing s/s. the colour institute golden, golden olive and olive e/s. the colour institute black e/l baby pencil. wet n wild black liquid e/l. l'oreal voluminous mascara. milani luminous blush. mac lingerie l/s (excuse these, they look bad cause i took these right after i drank from my...
  3. kimmy

    mac eye kohl vs. mac fluidline for the waterline

    so i need something to do my waterline with...right now i'm using a cheap eyeliner pencil and shadow, but even that wears off quickly. i did a fashion show last year where the makeup artist used a mac kohl on me and i used it for the was pretty fabulous. but i've always heard...
  4. kimmy

    something subtle and something bold.

    EYES: covergirl pink polish e/s mac tilt e/s milani storm e/s wet n wild black e/l almay mascara l'oreal voluminous mascara LIPS: mac subculture l/l mac myth l/s milani whisper l/g mac beige-ing s/s mac luna ccb mac chrome yellow e/s mac gorgeous gold e/s mac shimmermoss e/s mac for the boys...
  5. kimmy

    foundation streaking!? help meeee!

    so, i use oil of olay daily moisturizer spf 15 and origins next of skin foundation. but seems to me that by the end of the day, my foundation starts to show subtle streaks. i'm wondering if this is because of the moisturizer? or what else it could be from? and how do i fix it? i always set the...
  6. kimmy

    green, yellow and orange!

    so it's 11:42 pm. and i decided to play with some makeup...i'm not too sure i really like this look, i think i winged the humid out a little too much beige-ing s/s, humid e/s, juxt e/s, chrome yellow e/s, gorgeous gold e/s, flare e/s (milani) and 2000 calorie mascara (max factor)
  7. kimmy

    a neutral look for today :)

    excuse the "eff this sh*t" look on my face, it was early and i didn't wanna go to school hahaha! eyes: mac beige-ing s/s, mac goldenaire pigment, maybellinne tassled taupes trio, max factor 2000 calorie mascara. cheeks: milani luminous blush lips: mac subculture l/l, flirt nude kiss l/g
  8. kimmy

    cream colour bases on the lips

    how many people do this? does it help your lipstick adhere to your lips better? i've got a ccb sitting here not getting much use and i'd like to know about using it on lips
  9. kimmy

    lipstick recs (again)

    okay. so my two favourite lipsticks are lingerie and myth. one is a frost finish, the other a satin. i had viva glam v for a while, it was a lustre and i loved it. i've never had an amplified creme, but they look delightful. i think i can scrounge up enough money to get a new lipstick this...
  10. kimmy

    i'm moving out in two months and

    i hate to say it, but i'm a little stressed haha. i'll be 18 on the 21st of june, and probably that day or later during that week, my boyfriend and i will be moving to huntington beach. i've wanted to live in hb forEVER...i have alot of friends in hb, now all the members of my boyfriend's band...
  11. kimmy

    mane and tail.

    does anyone know about this stuff? i've been told by numerous people that if i want my hair to grow quicker and thicker, this is the stuff to use. both of my parents have pretty thin, slow growing hair, but my sister has extremely thick, fast growing hair and she used to use mane and tail for...
  12. kimmy

    i love goldenaire :D

    excuse my hair, it's been really rainy and any sign of moisture my hair goes insane. eyes: mac beige-ing s/s mac luna ccb mac goldenaire pigment mac vanilla pigment milani storm e/s wet n wild black liquid e/l l'oreal voluminous covergirl fantastic lash cheeks: milani luminous blush lips...
  13. kimmy

    eyebrow troubles.

    so i've been growing my brows back out...and i'm encountering a problem. the inner half of the brows are darkish brown, the outer halfs are blonde. straight up, can't see them on my skin, blonde. my natural hair colour is a medium golden brown/reddish orange so it's not like i'm a natural...
  14. kimmy

    camera phone goodness!

    first off, my baby. he's so adorable, this fool follows me EVERYWHERE. he sleeps with me, he eats when i eat, when i leave he seriously sits by the front door on his little cat apartment and waits until i get home so he can come hang out with me in my room...when i'm on the computer, he's...
  15. kimmy

    advice on piercings? currently i have both my ears pierced, one has two holes the other only has the one. i pierced my nose a while ago but took it out because my dad hated it. i'm going to be 18 in 2.5 months, which means even though he won't like it, i can get whatever the hell i want. and i want my...
  16. kimmy

    menopauseeee :( sister left for college like two years ago and right before she left, my mom started going through menopause. it's been getting worse ever since then. when it first started, she had slight mood swings. but now, i'm about to be 18 in two months and i'll be moving out and it seems like...
  17. kimmy

    neutral look. i finally used a lipliner! hahahaha whooaaa

    it's not my best, most complex or creative fotd...but i started using lipliner and i wanted everyone to see and tell me if i'm doing it right or not. sorry the pictures are bad, i'm still struggling to get good fotd pictures! (and please excuse my hair, i'm about to dye/cut/extension it right...
  18. kimmy

    florabundance vs lingerie?

    on all the fotds i've seen using florabundance, it looks VERY similar to mac lingerie l/s. does anyone own both and know how they compare?
  19. kimmy

    my last blue look for a while ;)

    eyes: mac luna ccb (base) nyc white spotlight e/s (inner v) mac tilt e/s (middle lid & lower lashline) mac deep truth e/s (outer v) wet n wild black liquid e/l (upper lashline) mac saucepot g/l (upper lashline & outer corners of lower lashline) mac for the boys g/l (lower lashline on the inner...
  20. kimmy

    sunset fotd

    so it's 615am. and this my fotd from yesterday, when i couldn't seem to get a good fotd picture for the life of me...but i really liked to look so i tried *sorry for the stupid faces, but if i smile or look all serious i kinda end up looking like an addict haha mac beige-ing s/s mac luna...