Search results

  1. kimmy

    prep+prime mascara

    call me stupid [twice because this is probably the wrong place for this hah] but...i don't really get what prep+prime mascara does. does it just strengthen the lashes? since i've been on this medicine, my lashes have been really unhealthy and short which is weird because i usually...
  2. kimmy


    i still cannot get a good fotc picture for the life of me hahaha. buuut, my mam got me some mac e/s from ebay and it came in the other day, so i had to use it :] i've never heard of it before, but it's really pretty...and pink so finally liesuretime has something to go with it!! i'm stoked. my...
  3. kimmy

    ugh. i need advice. BADLY.

    so again, i'm pretty lost with a certain situation. and i feel like there's only a few people left i can ask for advice on this matter. i've gotten it from nearly all of them, but there's one who remains...and he's the one i need advice on. basically, i met this guy online, his band was looking...
  4. kimmy

    pictures of the hair :D

    so i got some more pictures of the new hair today. they're not the greatest, but they'll work :] it looks hella bad in the top right one :\ i dunno...but it shows the hair pretty well haha ;D
  5. kimmy

    facial moisturizer

    aiight. i have really oily skin. hella oily. but i've noticed that lately it's been getting really dry like around my forehead. i'm prone to those ugly little slightly discoloured bumps in that region, so i want a moisturizer that's not going to make those an even bigger problem. i've looked...
  6. kimmy

    my girl <33

    so i'm looking through my photobucket album and i found this really awesome picture of me and my doggy. and then there's these of my and my bitch <3 she's amazing, yes? errybody show me your pups :]
  7. kimmy

    i need definition.

    i think this goes here. if not, feel free to beat me with a stick and move it :] anyways though. i need some tone and definition. i'm really thin, my bmi is you know where i am right now. i'm 5'7" and 100 lbs. i have really REALLY scrawny arms and very little muscle tone at all except...
  8. kimmy

    neutral look and new hair [again] :]

    i needed some change, so i dyed and cut my hair [yep dyed it again haha] it took me like three hours to do the cut. OI!! foreverrrrr. and a huge mess. but i like it :] i don't know what my big thing with these colours is lately...but i had a job interview today so i figured i'd go with...
  9. kimmy

    blahhh. i'm so glad this week is over haha :]

    wow...this has proven to be quite the week. yes, it is 1700 my time and i JUST got showered, dressed and made up haha. can we say: lazy? yes. but anyways, since i got time, i decided to post today's look. i've done these eyes before, but the lip thing is a new venture for me. and yes, i know...
  10. kimmy

    puuuuuuurple <3

    i'm challenged apparently haha. i can never get a good fotd picture. EVER :| oh well...we'll stick with ones like this for now: FACE: milani creme to powder foundation - buff nyc loose face powder - translucent CHEEKS: nyc powder blush - sutton place peach EYES: mac shadestick - overcast mac...
  11. kimmy

    the aftermath of a really rough night...

    so basically, last night [or verry early this morning rather] i had a ridiculously difficult conversation...with the guy who i honestly believe is the one, which only made it even more difficult. i got like NO sleep, so excuse the skin...i know it looks terrible. but anyways, after that i really...
  12. kimmy

    studio fix or studio tech...maybe full coverage?

    so i'm pretty far from flawless skin :[ i finally got my skin smooth, but there's still this discolouration plaguing me. TERRIBLE discolouration. the discolouration is mainly around the bridge of the nose and then chin, so i'm looking for a REALLY good foundation that will cover it up and give...
  13. kimmy

    quad portions

    i was just looking at the quads and thinking of getting the inventive eyes one. but i was wondering if anyone knows how the sizes of the portions in the quads compare to the portions in the individual shadows, are the the same? or are the ones in the quads smaller? ps. did everyone see the...
  14. kimmy

    southern californiansssss?

    i want to go to the mac store at the south coast plaza sometime soon. any ladies or gentlemen in this area want to accompany meeeee?
  15. kimmy

    eyeshadow pallettes?

    where can i find some really cheap eyeshadow pallettes? like..the ones you put the shadows in after you depot them [i think they're called pallettes haha] i'm looking for one with about 20 spaces.
  16. kimmy

    billion dollar brows...

    i'm not sure if this goes here or in hair salon buut, has anyone tried this, or know anyone who has: i hate to go by the testimonials on the site, because of course they'e only gonna put the good ones. but it really does spark my interest haha because having...
  17. kimmy

    i have this thing for honey lemonade apparently...

    i loove green eyeshadow [apparently] but it makes my eyes look funnnky. please ignore the glitter liner which for some reason likes to flake when i use it. EYES: MAC shadestick - overcast FL!RT dreamy eyes eyeshadow - honey lemonade milani eyeshadow - garden mist milani eyeshadow - clover...
  18. kimmy

    brushes or spongetips?

    am i the only one that regularly uses spongetip applicatours for eyeshadow? mostly just because i don't have time most mornings to change brushes and all that, so i just use the spongetip. does anyone else still use them or is pretty much everyone using brushses?
  19. kimmy

    eotd with some neutral colours.

    i felt like doing a fall look today. alas, by the end of the day, the rest of my face looked like hell so we're leaving that out for now haha. MAC shadestick - overcast [i really need to get anohter colour haha] FL!RT dreamy eyes eyeshadow - coconutty FL!RT dreamy eyes eyeshadow - feeling hot...
  20. kimmy

    eyebrowwwwwsssss :D

    how does one go about dying her brows?