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  1. Piarpreet

    Advice on sellers for MAC's Madly Magenta!!!!! EBAY

    Help! I really want this discontinued product :( in MUA swaps ppl r clingy with it, and sold out everywhere what do u guys think about this???
  2. Piarpreet

    Jessie J's make up : lipstick

    Im trying to find a way to get these lips! damn so pretty!!!!!!!!!!! and its not CYY at least not alone! and these extreme red lips
  3. Piarpreet

    Anybody in Indiana?????

    HEy guys! So I live in Lafayette, IN. There are no sephoras, or MAC counters, r anything really. I'd love to have a make up buddy who would wanna do trips to see new collections or just share the make up obsession! Nobody here that I know of understands... lol
  4. Piarpreet

    Drug store dupe to MAC's Studio Fix Powder plus foundation

    hey guys so im looking for a good option/dupe to substitute my studio fix. im nc15 and i wanna start doing my make up almost daily. id love to find a more affordable powder foundation. i kinda have a combo-oily skin now that summer is coming so please give me some advice! ;)
  5. Piarpreet

    MAC Lipstick Dupes

    Hi guys! So I unfortunately bought a lipstick in CVS ignoring how similar it is to one I already had! MAC Rebel Lipstick $14.50 = Covergirl Embrace $7.99 Here they are on my lips: upper lip is Rebel, lower lip is Embrace Also I...
  6. Piarpreet

    Where to find demi/half/outer corner lashes?

    Hi there guys! Ive been trying to find half lashes for a while... specially in a bulk. like these (similar, not same brand):
  7. Piarpreet

    Fleshpot??? pro?/coming back soon?

    id like to know if u guys know if its a pro l/s or if its coming soon in a colection or if its worth the 25 bucks on ebay