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  1. laura-doll

    *** Laura Doll Trys Her Hand At A **subtle** Look..fotd!!!***

    heyyy my lovlies well as most of you may have guessed i love bright colours and dark colour (bright eye make up/dark eye make up is my fave) i very rarely do a subtle look with eyehsadows and so on its either bright dark or abit of eyeliner/mascara false eyelash free on this one aswell...(i...
  2. laura-doll

    Fotd Saturday :d 12/5/2007

    soooo heres how my make up was 2dayyyy i used eyes amber lights e/s (MAC) carbon e/s (MAC) mac eyepaint - bare canvas lancome artliner chanel intense eye pencil cheap-o lashes lol lips pink lemonade lipglass (MAC) instant gold lustureglass (MAC) face almay amazing 16 hour lasting foundation...
  3. laura-doll

    FIRST TIME TUTORIAL ***BLUEEEE*** very pic heavyy

    okiii so i have never done a tutorial before and i can safely say this is my last LOOOL it stressed me out so much idk how u girls do it so anyway its pretty naff but here goes... This is what i used... mac lash number 3 mac eyeshadow- fresh water , contrast mac pro pigment - clear sky blue...
  4. laura-doll

    Back With Blue!! Fotd!

    heyyyy i havnt posted on here in a whileee BUT IM BK!! lol heres how my make up was 2day i did a tutorial for it stressed me out BIG TIME! lol not sure if to post it yet heres pics..... No flash... lol u just gotta have a silly face pic LOL Outside.. me and my lil princess...
  5. laura-doll

    As Natural As I Will Allow...fotd

    this is the least make up i ever wear lol. just thought id post (pics from getting ready for college)...excuse the VILE uniform lol i used.. eyes Lancome artliner lancome hypnose mascara chanel intense eye pencil MAC Number 20 lash Face Estee lauder double wear foundation sunbasque...
  6. laura-doll


    last one im doing for a while now your probs getting sick of me loool never done so many of these in my life you lot have me addicted lol OKI DOKI!!! heres pics... i used eyes mac eyepaint - bare canvas (as a base) mac eyeshadow - goldmine mac eyeshadow - coppering lancome artliner...
  7. laura-doll

    Greeny/yellow Fotd

    haiiii all so i was sitting in my room bored out of my mind 2day so i decided to do my make up lol this is what i did. divvy face lool i used... eyes mac eyepaint - bare canvas mac pigment - teal mac pigment - golden lemon mac e/s - lucky green lancome artliner lancome hynose mascara...
  8. laura-doll

    Hyper Real foundation

    i want to buy some but my last mac foundation i bought...was rubbish didnt stay on didnt cover it just failed me completely and the was the select spf 15 foundation. ive heard hyper real has like a shimmer in it?? sell it to me girls lol
  9. laura-doll

    MAC Eyelash Glue

    does anybody else find that when they are applying there eyelashes useing MAC's eyelash glue your eyes water?? my eyes start streaming why is this? im fine with evry other glue but i use mac cause its my fave xxxxxx
  10. laura-doll

    I like them long ;)...eotd

    of course im talking about eyelashes... so im concentration level is way down this didnt really turn out as well as planned, but i did my besttt take a look the lashes kinda took over my eye i used them for my make up comp and the girl said they wer fine....annoyed the...
  11. laura-doll

    Tin Foil Is Fun!!.........

    soo i had this idea of useing tin foil and it kinda turned out okiiii Im aware my eyebrows needed doing in this pic lol
  12. laura-doll

    Advice On Mac Interviews

    heyy ok so a while bk i went for an interview for a job at mac ( i wasnt hired ) and i know why cause of the way i answerd the questions they asked things like *if one day you didnt feel like coming into work what would you do? * you dont particulary get along with sombody at work what would...
  13. laura-doll

    does anybody know of a colour that would match this....

    the colour on her lips thanks girls xx
  14. laura-doll

    "rose" Pigment.....

    any ideas what the best ways to use it are i think it looks kinda crappy on its own thanks xxxxx
  15. laura-doll

    Green Fotd =]

    this is just a lil somthing i did hehe hope you like it