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  1. poppy z

    back from holidays part 1

    Hi, I've just come back from holidays. But I have another holidays the 24th of august. So there will be a part 2. I don't a lots of pictures. There is 3 looks. I hope you will love them. look 1: turquoise (very simple): eyes: bare canvas (base) brill (browbone) aquadisiac (lid) blue peep...
  2. poppy z

    happy birthday to my MAC collection: one year already!

    Hi, I've just come back from holidays and I decided to say a happy birthday to my mac collection by this post. I took some pictures of my other makeup brands. It's not as big as Sonrisa but I'm pround of my collection (I am not a MA of course). I didn't see the Amuse, Avant Gold and Technacolor...
  3. poppy z

    few fotds before going on holidays

    Hi, It will be my last post before my departure. I go on holidays monday morning. So I will see you again at the end of august. But I have few fotds from the last days. See you next time. Have fun! first look: eyes: vex(browbone), living pink (lid), hepcat (crease), nocturnelle (outer), non...
  4. poppy z

    mac on holidays

    Hi, I will be on holidays monday. So I have to choose some makeup products. It's the more difficult thing I have to do. I have palettes of e/s (a blue one, a green one, a pink one, a neutral/brown and a purple/black & white one). I think I will take all my palettes. But I don't know yet. I...
  5. poppy z

    2 differents looks with a touch of pink

    Hi, These are my 2 looks from yesterday and today. I've just receive an order from agnès b makeup. I love their new blush collector and their khol. I use them on the pictures. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy. first look: pink/gold/purple eyes:bare canvas, rose pig, shroom (browbone), sable...
  6. poppy z

    what to pair with Soba e/s?

    Hi, I've bought Soba e/s few month ago but I don't know how to use it. On viva glam look, Pamela Anderson put soba on the brow but I want to use it on lid. I have few brown e/s but I was wondering if you pair it with other color like pink, blue, green or purple. I don't find a lots of combo...
  7. poppy z

    Thanks to the pornstar look tut!

    Hi, I've just try the pornstar look. I really appreciate the tutorial. I change some few things : mystical mist instead of Plum Dressing (I don't have this one), no false lashes, non-conformist f/l instead of blacktrack and supreme prolongwear for the lips. This look is amazing. I think it's...
  8. poppy z

    few fotds from last days

    Hi, I didn't post so much. I prefer post one time with few looks, and you can tell me what do you prefer. I have bought my first Bobbie Brown eyeliner gel and I love them. I bought Bronze shimmer (the same as graphic brown from mac) and saphire shimmer. And at mac i took penned (love it). Last...
  9. poppy z

    mac penned f/l or mac waveline or Bobbie Brown saphire?

    Hello, I'm looking for a dark blue fluidline (like Shade f/l for a dark green). I really love the mac eyeliner gel because I used it as an eye shadow base. I tested the BB saphire on my hand and I found it very beautiful (I love the shimmer). But I don't know this product. Isn't it dry or is...
  10. poppy z

    me again with fotds from past days

    Hi again, So, the boring sunday continues. But thank goodness I have specktra I didn't post a lots of fotds these last weeks because of my work. But I took some pictures. I hope you will love them. A use of azreal blue pig with deep truth and white frost and fascinating e/k...
  11. poppy z

    false lashes: which do I buy?

    Hi, I've just buy some makeup forever false lashes but it's for my goth parties when I m dressing in pink! this is a pictures: But I want false lashes for day. I already have mac one but it's too natural looking for me. I want people to see I have big lashes So which false lashes do you...
  12. poppy z

    a boring sunday in Paris

    Hello, Today is a hot day in Paris. And I didn't know what to do. I must work but....too hot for working! So I decided to play with my makeup. I've just wash my hair so sorry it isn't dry yet. And I've no foundation. I use: eyes: bare canvas (base) shroom (wash) arena (lid) pink bronze...
  13. poppy z

    shimmermoss and.... *lots of pics*

    Hello! I haven't post for a long time because of my work. This is my first use of shimmermoss and of my new NARS blush : cactus flower (I love it). I don't wear foundation because I have to put sun protection on my face. So, sorry for the skin. I use: eyes: bare canvas, shimmermint s/s...
  14. poppy z

    Patternmaker in Paris!

    Hi everyone! Yesterday, I went to Sephora at Champs Elysées in Paris (in order to buy NARS blushs....and false lashes from makeup forever). But I went to the mac stand of course and saw the lipgloss, powder and blushs from the patternmaker collection. I asked a MA if the palettes will arrived...
  15. poppy z

    makeup for summer

    Hi!!! In France it's terribly hot 8) . So it's difficult to wear makeup. I prefer don't wear any foundation. But for my eyes, I have a problem. Even with paint, my e/s crease (but not until 6 hours...). So I put e/s on browbone, on lower lashline and I use eyeliner. What is your secret for...
  16. poppy z

    A Lure makeup without delphic and waternymph...

    Hi girls! I haven't post since a long time, so here we go. I don't buy a lot of products from the lure collection (I just bought Aquavert and the maidenchant b/c). I would like to ask you 2 questions: is the 187 brush necessary if you have already the 190, because I put my foundation and my...
  17. poppy z

    Pink Gothic Girl

    Hi, This is the fotds I took before go to a goth party in Paris. I went there with my dear friend Cosette. It was a "girl party" for us (we left our men at home with Cosette's baby). So, I continue my "pink attitude" in makeup, hair and clothes. I hope you will appreciate. It was a very good...
  18. poppy z

    Pin'up look

    Hi girls! Today was very hot in France, so I decided to put my new dress... with a pin up makeup. It was difficult to put eye liner like in the sixties... I'm waiting for my BF opinion...I hope he will like (because he's very hard to please)... I use: No foundation, just Avene powder...
  19. poppy z

    I'm back with few fotds of my holidays!

    Hello!! It's good to see you again. Specktra missed me.... So I took some pictures of me during my holidays. I use some of my new products... I hope you will enjoy. I don't remember exactely what I used so I put some few names... 1) shroom, mangomix, arena, texture, minted e/k,foolish me...
  20. poppy z

    makeup for a tatoo convention and for today** lots of pics**

    Hello girls This is my only post for the week because tomorrow I will be on holidays for 10 days. Specktra will miss me!!!! So, yesterday I went to a tatoo convention in Paris. I put you some fotds of me before going there. I put a blue chinese corset (like Isis avatar) with a long skirt. And I...