Search results

  1. lazytolove

    Forest Green Pigment

    - Have anyone ever seen a forest green pigment in full size jar? Yesterday i search on MUA and saw this one lady who really have one for swapping. I think it's a lil strange because i tried to search for the full size version of forest green pigment on google but didn't see one. I'm not talking...
  2. lazytolove

    Dear pigments experts

  3. lazytolove

    Is this for real or it is just a joke?

    I just saw this blog entry and it said it's a MAC commericial. Tacky Cat: Mac Cosmetics and Amanda Lepore I missed the video because youtube deleted it. But what kind of commericial is this? I'm very disappointed.
  4. lazytolove

    Gray Sky FOTD

    I stopped using Clinique 3 steps system for a week. My skin is looking better. Thanks god. Good luck to those of you who are using Clinique =]. It's not something or me. =] Face: Shiseido Dual Blancing Foundation #o40 MAC blush - Fluer Power (apply with #187 brush) Smashbox - Photo Finish...
  5. lazytolove

    This is sad.

    - I don't like when my friend criticizes people with makeups on. It hurts my feeling a lot because i love wearing makeup, I think it's art. When she said "jeez, that girl is having too much makeup on, it's so fake".... in this case, i don't know she's jealous or she's trying to tell me "stop...
  6. lazytolove

    What do you think about this?

    Sorry i'm not a good story teller so if you're confusing please ask me =] I have a friend and she's very nice. But she always ask me for help when she's not really need it. This morning before going to the mall she told me she want to find a type of waterproof mascara. At the mall, we headed...
  7. lazytolove

    MAC Reflect glitters

    - Sorry i'm new the MAC and just wondering can we press those reflect glitters like pigments? TA ;D
  8. lazytolove

    Question about fake MAC brushes, please help meee!!

    - Ouch ouchie, i heard people said some fake MAC brushes have glitter on them. I checked mine and two of my brushes have glitters on. They're the 266 and 224, and they both made in French. The weird thing is, i bought both of them from MAC store. I never purchased any MAC stuffs online yet. Can...
  9. lazytolove

    Can someone please let me know??

    Sorry if i'm being rude talking about money =]. I went to Mac last week and I bought 10 e/s. And the MUA asked me "You want them in the container or w/out". I said "in the container". I was about the ask her "if it's without container... then the price is still $14?" but i think that's kind of...