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  1. user2

    Hey! I'm happy...

    ... but I don't know why! Anyway, here's my FOTD Hope you like it! :loveya:
  2. user2

    The mixture of LE shades and permanent shades in your palettes...

    When I re-arranged and named my palettes I noticed that I have way more LE e/s than regular ones! I have 12 regular ones and 17 LE e/s What about your palettes? OK maybe I'm the only one that is that crazy and thinks about stuff like that
  3. user2

    2 questions

    Question 1: In my User CP I found an entry called "Paid Subscriptions"! For what do I need it? Question 2: Another thing I found in my User CP, joined groups! There are two teams, the Belle Azure Team and the Madame B team! What are they for? TIA!
  4. user2

    When there's nobody for karaoke...

    ...try You can record and send you own songs to your friends and family! Quite funny!
  5. user2

    MAC Colouring Stick

    What is it? I found one on Ebay, the color name is Hona Lulu (Honu Lulu? )! It looks really cute but I don't know what to do with it or where it came from! Maybe you can help me....
  6. user2

    MAC's blending brush?

    So when I tried to do a great blending with my #213 this morning it didn't end up the way I wanted it to be! So now I need a great blending brush! But which one? That's when you guys come to work! I did a poll and need some advice from you! TIA!
  7. user2

    Don't Cha?

    Ok actually I just wanted to refresh my Traincase but after I looked at my Holiday 2003 palette I had to do something with Felt Blue! And that's the result! (Please ignore the hair and my skin) Tadaaa!! Yeah, I look quite excited Please don't ask me what forced me to make that strange...
  8. user2

    Veluxe Pearls...which color is that?

    Hi! I found it on MUA! I'm talking about the color in the bottom line left! The one that almost looks white!! It can't be Silver Ring because it's in the same row right! I'm confused....
  9. user2

    Gross...but I'm somehow attracted! I wonder how much this will cost?? Have you ever seen a MAC sale as big as this?
  10. user2

    Returning question!

    After I sent one of the Tailormade palettes to a friend she noticed that one part of the grey shade cracked and spread itself all over the other ones! Can I just return it at my counter and get a new one in exchange? The problem is that I lost the receipt! I searched everywhere for it, I even...
  11. user2

    Best first MAC lipstick?

    So maybe I have the opportunity to trade my B2M empties for a lipstick but I don't know for which one! I don't use any lipstick so either I'm looking for a MLBB-colour or I'll take the Lip Treatment l/s! Do you have any rec's for me? TIA
  12. user2

    Argh!!! I hate Lustreglasses!

    No because I don't like them! No believe me I love them but I always lose them! I bought a Garden Lustreglass some months ago and weeks later I couldn't find it somewhere in my room, my closet or my bags! Now I miss my Flusterose Lustreglass and have no idea where it is!!! Frickin...
  13. user2

    The new Cremestick liner + pics & descriptions

    Soory for the watermark but I exceeded my Photobucket limit The new duo for more beautiful and softer lips: the new Cremestick Liner and Amplified Creme Lipsticks! Enoyable to wear and a soft texture turn this duo into a precision landing on your lips. Six intense and flawless shadesof the...
  14. user2

    My Naturally Eccentric makeover today!! Many pics!!

    I had sooooo much fun you can't believe it! OK this is me before I went off to the makeover: And that's the result! Tadaaaa! My eyes: My lips (in crappy lighting!): And the weather in Berlin! He used for the face: Hyper Real SPF 15 in NC100 Blot Powder in Light Blushcreme in...
  15. user2

    OMG! Cute new Coach bags!

    I hate my country for not having one single Coach store... and these bags are to die for!!!
  16. user2

    New stuff online @

    * MAC for Isabella Blow: 893 and an amazing * MAC Backstage Essentials Kit: inculding the following things: * Carry All M·A·C * 209 Eyeliner * 116 Blush Brush * 266 Small Angled Brow * 213...
  17. user2

    How to get a watermark on my pics?

    I want to add the Ornamentalism pics to MUA but I dot want anybody to steal them from me!
  18. user2

    More Ornamentalism pics + color descriptions!!!

    Eye Shadow Mystical Myst - Smoked purple with frost (frost, LE) Sensualize - Polished copper with silver frost (lustre, LE) Wishful - Soft beige with white frost (frost, LE) Blue Absinthe - Shadowy aqua blue with frost (frost, LE) Cranberry - Dirtied coral with pink frost (frost)...
  19. user2


    Ha! I know where the name Specktra came from....just add a k! 465
  20. user2

    How to make your MAC MA's jealous :D

    Hi guys! Today I went to my counter to look for a colour that's close to Temperley (you know the one from the Temperley palette ) So she asked what colour it was and I showed her my palette! She was soo excited about it and all of the sudden 5 MA's were around my palette and everyone thought...